- Pang, V.F., Chang, C.-C., Weng, C.N., and Wu, J.F. 1992.The in vitro toxicity of aflatoxin B1 on swine alveolar macrophages. 12th International Pig Veterinary Society. 邱慧英、王琇真、张志成、刘振轩、张志华、林国栋、庞飞.;1994
- International Pig Veterinary Society 国际猪兽医学会
- A person who practices veterinary medicine. (兽医)从事兽医医学实践的人
- I suppose you also have a caste system in your society. 我想你们的社会里也有一种等级制度。
- These criminals are the dregs of society. 这些罪犯都是社会的渣滓。
- She subscribes to an animal protection society. 她捐款给一个动物保护协会。
- The treasurer misappropriated the society's funds. 那会计盗用了协会的基金。
- I think we have to revitalize our society. 我觉得我们的社会需要新生。
- He is no longer within the pale of noble society. 他不再是贵族社会的一员了。
- She delivered a talk on philosophy to the society. 她给学会作了一次有关哲学的讲话。
- In the old society we never knew real security. 在旧社会我们的生活从来没有真正的保障。
- Building society is warning of mortgage rationing. 住宅互助协会警告说要限额分配抵押借款。
- We subscribe to an animal protection society. 我们定期捐款给一个动物保护基金会。
- The Pope has no temporal power in modern society. 教皇在当代社会没有世俗方面的权利。
- A veterinary surgeon is a doctor of a sort. 兽医是一类医生。
- He is excluded from membership of the society. 他被拒绝入会。
- She joined the university art society. 她加入了大学里的艺术协会。
- He was still frightened of the veterinary surgeons. 他对外科兽医一直心有余悸。
- That expert is an aristocracy of his society. 那个专家是他所在的学会里最权威的人。
- This is the final criterion of veterinary practice. 这就是兽医业务的最终目标。