- Veterinary Medicine Bulletin 兽医学院通报
- A person who practices veterinary medicine. (兽医)从事兽医医学实践的人
- To engage in the practice of veterinary medicine. 当兽医从事兽医医学的实践
- Doctor of Veterinary Medicine Ph.D. 兽医学博士。
- Avoids use of conventional veterinary medicine and pesticides. 避免使用兽医上的常规用药和农药。
- Studies of Veterinary Medicine at the University of Berne. 他在伯尔尼大学兽医学院学习。
- Admission to schools of veterinary medicine is exceptionally competitive. 报考兽医学校需要经过激烈竞争。
- At present veterinary medicine carrier in use mainly is glucose in domestic! 国内目前使用的兽药载体主要为葡萄糖!
- A crystalline substance, C15H21NO2, used as a local anesthetic, substituting for cocaine, in veterinary medicine. 优加因一种结晶状物质C15H21NO2,在兽医中用作为局部麻醉剂,是可卡因的代用品
- VICH GL11:Impurities In New Veterinary Medicinal Products Nov,1999. 药物杂质研究技术指导原则,国家食品药品监督管理局。
- A crystalline substance,C15H21NO2,used as a local anesthetic,substituting for cocaine,in veterinary medicine. 优加因一种结晶状物质C15H21NO2,在兽医中用作为局部麻醉剂,是可卡因的代用品
- A drug,C17H25N,used in veterinary medicine as an anesthetic and illegally as a hallucinogen; PCP. 苯环己哌啶一种药,C17H25N,在兽医中用作麻醉剂,非法使用时可作为幻觉剂;PCP(这种药缩写形式)
- Hold a licence to practice veterinary medicine in the province for which they are seeking accreditation. 持有兽医从业许可证的兽医,可以申请认证。
- A drug,C17H25N,used in veterinary medicine as an anesthetic and illegally as a hallucinogen;PCP. 苯环己哌啶一种药,C17H25N,在兽医中用作麻醉剂,非法使用时可作为幻觉剂;PCP(这种药缩写形式)
- A drug, C17H25N, used in veterinary medicine as an anesthetic and illegally as a hallucinogen;PCP. 苯环己哌啶一种药,C17H25N,在兽医中用作麻醉剂,非法使用时可作为幻觉剂;pcp(这种药缩写形式)
- A drug, C17H25N, used in veterinary medicine as an anesthetic and illegally as a hallucinogen; PCP. 苯环己哌啶一种药,c17h25n,在兽医中用作麻醉剂,非法使用时可作为幻觉剂;pcp(这种药缩写形式)
- Faculty position at the Radiology Clinic, University of Veterinary Medicine in Vienna, Austria since 1992. 自1992年开始担任奥地利维也纳兽医大学放射学诊所教员职位。
- XIE Xian-Sheng. The effect of arginine on dairy cow sex. Animal Husbandry &Veterinary Medicine, 2003, 35(12): 19?20. 谢献胜.;精氨酸对奶牛后代性别控制的试验
- Bachelor's degree in Animal Science, Nutrition, Veterinary Medicine or related field. Masters degree preferred. 动物科学,营养学,兽医学或相关专业;要求学士学位以上学历,硕士学位优先。
- Pets often serve as confidantes, says Bonnie V.Beaver, DVM, a professor of veterinary medicine at Texas A&M University. 邦妮海狸--德克萨斯A & M大学兽医学博士说:"宠物往往可以作为我们的知心朋友。"