- You only have to tell Tina once; she's very quick on the uptake. 你只要给蒂娜讲一遍就行了,她理解能力很强。
- You only have to tell Tina once;she's very quick on the uptake. 你只要给蒂娜讲一遍就行了,她理解能力很强。
- You will have to be patient with her. She's not very quick on the uptake. 你对她得耐心点,她的理解能力不太强。
- You'll have to explain it to me carefully I'm not very quick on the uptake. 你得给我仔细解释一下--我理解力差.
- You' ll have to explain it to me carefully I' m not very quick on the uptake. 你得给我仔细解释一下--我理解力差.
- You will have to be patient with her.She's not very quick on the uptake. 你对她得耐心点,她的理解能力不太强。
- You will have to be patient with our grandpa. He's not very quick on the uptake. 你是对爷爷耐心点,他的脑子反应不太快。
- That boy is quick on the uptake. 那男孩理解能力很强。
- Very quick on the uptake. 理解力很强
- He's very quick on the uptake. 他学东西学的很快。
- The new student is a little slow on the uptake, so you have to be patient. 这个新生理解能力较差,因此你得耐心一点。
- Gill is so quick on the uptake that you only have to tell her something once and she remembers it for ever. 吉尔学得非常快,你只要告诉她一次,他就永远记住了。
- In group discussions, John is always quick on the trigger. 在小组讨论会上,约翰总是反应敏捷,争先发言。
- Is he always this slow on the uptake? 他总是理解得这么慢吗?
- You should not have been too quick on the trigger. 可你不该太性急呀!
- He is a bright lad, always quick on the up take. 他是个聪明的孩子, 理解力很强。
- One of the biggest problems is speed. Native speakers, especially business people, tend to speak very quickly on the telephone. Here are some prac... 接听英语电话时对方的语速可能让你很头疼,直接说听不懂好像又不太好意思,到底应该怎么做才能让对方慢点说呢?
- Some of the local news come on very quick. 有些本地新闻很快就上电视。
- You would be sunburnt quickly on the beach. 在海滨你很快就能晒黑。
- Most rock groups lose popularity very quickly, but the Beatles stayed on the beam for many years. 大部分摇滚乐团都很快就不受人欢迎了,但是甲壳虫乐队却多年以来一直博得人们的青睐。