- Very Deep Draught Ship 吃水船
- These plants have very deep roots. 这些植物的根长得很深。
- He took a deep draught of air into his lungs. 他深深地吸了一口气.
- He took a deep draught of his beer. 他喝了一大口啤酒。
- Her knowledge fails to go very deep. 她的知识不够精深。
- You can win anything if you have very deep pockets. 财大气粗总能打赢官司。
- Her love for the child was very deep. 她对孩子的爱是很深的。
- The sword did not pierce very deeply. 这剑刺得不很深。
- His knowledge fails to go very deep. 他的知识不很精深。
- Guess everybody has a very deep impression on her. 我猜大家对她都有很深的印象吧。
- The wounds of rejection go very deep. 拒绝所造成的伤害是很深的。
- Pouch is very deep, how ability purify or desalt? 眼袋很深,怎样才能去除或淡化?
- There was so much very deep lacuna in his crude big hands. 粗糙的大手上一道道很深的裂口。
- They have inflicted the first gash, and a very deep one at that. 他们已经杀了第一刀,这个伤痕是很深重的。
- The knife did not pierce very deeply. 刀扎得不很深。
- And it was possible that her reserve concealed a very deep feeling. 在她的缄默后面也可能隐藏着深挚的感情。
- They have inflicted the first gash,and a very deep one at that. 他们已经杀了第一刀,这个伤痕是很深重的。
- The water is very deep here, I can't touch (the) bottom. 这儿水很深; 我摸不着底.
- She was falling down and down into a very deep hole. 她摔倒了掉进一个很深的洞里。
- She felt her mother's death very deeply. 她深感丧母之痛。