- Veronica serpyllifolian. 小婆婆纳
- Laila was 7 when Ali divorced her mother, Veronica. 莱拉7岁时,阿里与她母亲威罗尼卡离婚。
- VERONICA: I need to report a crime. 我要报案。
- VERONICA: I'm sensing you don't like him very much. 我觉着你不喜欢他。
- VERONICA: Man, you really hold a grudge. 老兄,你还真怀恨在心。
- "I think Veronica had a city upbringing," he said. “我觉得维罗尼卡是在城里长大的,”他说道。
- WAIT TILL YOU SEE VERONICA JENSEN'S FACE-LIFT. 等一下看看Veronica Jensen。做完拉皮手术的样子。
- He tries to convince Veronica that he was set up. 他设法说服她,这是个圈套。
- Elvis Costello - Veronica ht ... 下面这首 有几人知道?
- The genus Veronica (Scrophulariaceae) in China. 在中国的婆婆纳属(玄参科).
- Greenhaus, Gerard A.Callanan, Veronica M. Career Management:第3版/Jeffrey H.
- The Galium aparine L. and the Veronica didyma Tenore and the Descurainia Sophia (L) schur and the Copsella bursa-pastoris (L) Medic and the Arenaria serpyllifolia L.are 5 superior weed species of wheat field in Guanzhong west area of Shaanxi. 猪殃殃、婆婆纳、播娘蒿、荠菜及蚤缀为陕西关中西部麦田5种主要优势种杂草,其发生面积大,危害普遍严重。
- Sebastian and Veronica flip through a book of wedding invitations. 塞巴斯蒂安和维罗妮卡正在翻阅关于婚礼请帖的书。
- Veronica: I didn't get to bed until four in the morning. 维罗妮卡:我到凌晨四点钟才就寝。
- Veronica: Yes, of course. But that's out of paper as well. 维罗妮卡:当然看过,但橱柜也没有纸了。
- Veronica: Have we had an early visitor this morning? 维罗妮卡:今天一早有人到访吗?
- Frank and Veronica are talking by the coffee machine. 弗兰克和维罗妮卡在咖啡机旁聊天。
- Veronica : Not half. We got to dance with some really dishy guys. 维罗妮卡:好极了。我们和一些很帅的男人跳舞。
- Veronica had come up to him with her usual cheery smile. 维罗妮卡带着她一贯的愉快笑容来到他跟前。
- Veronica was quite adamant that they should stay on. 维罗妮卡坚信他们必须继续留下去。