- Here we have a Venn diagram with 9 elements and 4 sets. 这儿我们有一个维恩图,里面有九个元素,以及四个组别。
- It might be useful to visualize a Venn diagram in such circumstances. 如果有项目留著,请看下一个问题。
- Make a Venn diagram comparing your environment to the setting in the book. 比较一下书中故事的背景跟我们现在所处的环境有哪些相同之处,有哪些分别。
- If you going to draw a Venn diagram you shouldbe able to see the limits of definition defines what belongs to the set and what doesn't. 辩君:如果你不知道明确的定义,你如何知道他们是否有交集?你怎麽知道他们到底是不是同样一样东西?
- Ifeou going to draw a Venn diagram you should be able to see the limits of definition defines what belongs to the set and what doesn't. 辩君:如果你不知道明确的定义,你如何知道他们是否有交集?你怎麽知道他们到底是不是同样一样东西?
- To associate, to compare and contrast, to classify, to reason deductively, to use a Venn diagram, to use music and rhyme, to listen for gist and details. 联系,类比和对比,去分类,推理;运用维因图,音乐和韵律,听大意以及细节。
- A. Which sentences are in categorical form just as they stand? For those that are, name the form, say what the quantity and quality are, and draw the Venn diagram. 哪些句子标准的定言形式是以绝对的形式处于它们当时的情况?对于那些句子,说出其形式的名称,说出那些句子的量和质为何,并且画出范恩图。
- Teach students a variety of ways to pattern new information, such as outlining, Venn diagramming, webbing, highlighting, charting, etc. 教会学生把新信息组成图案的多种方法,例如概括、维恩制图、制网、强调、制表等。
- Moyer, P.S., &Bolyard, J.J.(2003,February).Classify and Capture:Using Venn Diagrams and Tangrams to Develop Abilities in Mathematical Reasoning and Proof. 姚如芬、郭重吉、柳贤(2001)职前教师数学教学概念之初探:从研究实作中学习教学。
- On the other side of the spectrum are diagrams like organizational charts, Venn diagrams, or interlocking gears that connote a very specific meaning for the information they portray. 该改进的另外一面是如组织图的图表,维恩图或者连锁齿轮,表达着信息描绘的特殊意义。
- She gave me a diagram of railway network. 她给了我一张铁路网图解。
- He pointed at the diagram to illustrate his point. 他指着图表来说明他的论点。
- The diagram is self-explanatory. 该图表本身即很清楚。
- The diagram had been copied with great precision. 该图表的复印件很精确。
- A diagram showing a family lineage; a family tree. 宗谱一个显示家庭后裔情况的图表
- "Your aim has always been good," said Venn. “我想你可以吧,”迪格利神情严肃地说。
- I venn bada nan edhel a nan adan. 其人行近精灵与杜那丹人。
- A workshop manual give diagram and instructions for repair your car. 维修手册可向您提供修理汽车所需的图表和说明。
- Venn Diagramn. 维恩图解(英国逻辑学家维恩制定的一种类逻辑图解)
- I made a diagram to show how the eye works. 我画了一张简图说明眼睛是如何工作的。