- Vasily Shakhnovsky 瓦西里·沙赫诺夫斯基
- Vasily Zaytsev, a Soviet sniper during World War II, was notable particularly for his part in the Battle of Stalingrad. 瓦西里.柴瑟夫是第二次世界大战期间苏联的狙击手,参与斯大林格勒战役,表现尤其出色。
- We remember Marshal Vasily Ivanovich Chuikov, commander for defending Stalingrad. Soviet Hero. 我们铭记瓦西里-伊万诺维奇-崔可夫元帅。保卫斯大林格勒的指挥员。苏联英雄。
- Red Square has a lot of famous buildings, the south is Vasily Cathedral, also known as Bokeluofu Cathedral. 红场有不少著名的建筑物,南面是瓦西里大教堂,又名波克罗夫大教堂。
- A friend sneaked me into the first banquet between the Russians and the Americans. [Soviet General Vasili] Chuikov* proposed a toast with a full glass of vodka. 一位朋友偷偷告诉我,俄美两军首次宴会上,[苏联将军瓦西里]崔可夫提议以满玻璃杯伏特加祝酒干杯。
- The plane, a Tupolev 154, went down 114 miles off the Russian coastal city of Adler, located on the Georgian border, said Vasily Yurchuk, a spokesman for the Ministry of Emergency Situations. 这架图154客机坠落于距格鲁吉亚边境上的海滨城市艾德勒114英里处,紧急事态对策部发言人VasilyYurchuk说。
- Vasili Konstantinovich Galens Blücher 加伦(1892-1938),俄罗斯人,元帅,曾来华参加北伐战争,任广州政府军事顾问。
- Commemorating the th Anniversary of the Birth of the Russian Sinologist Vasili Alexeev 纪念俄罗斯汉学家阿列克谢耶夫诞生一百二十周年
- Vasily Rudenkov 鲁坚科夫
- Vasily 瓦西里
- Vasili Berezutskiy 瓦西里·别列祖茨基,俄罗斯足球运动员,司职后卫
- Vasilić 瓦西利奇
- Vasili 瓦西里