- The solidarity among China's various nationalities is as firm as a rock. 中国各族人民之间的团结坚如磐石。
- Jokes perpetuate various national stereotypes. 笑话固化了对各民族的公式化看法。
- The people of our various nationalities enjoy the absolute equality before the law. 我国各族人民在法律面前享有绝对的平等。
- Words and actions should help to unite,and not divide,the people of our various nationalities. 言论和行动要有利于团结各族人民,而不是分裂人民。
- Party organizations have spread to every city and town,to every county and district,to every major enterprise,and to the various nationalities. 党的组织分布到全国每一个城镇和县区,每一个重要的企业,并且分布到各个民族。
- Party organizations have spread to every city and town, to every county and district, to every major enterprise, and to the various nationalities. 党的组织分布到全国每一个城镇和县区,每一个重要的企业,并且分布到各个民族。
- On Tomb Sweeping Festival season, near to the people of various nationalities inside of a giantLike many are bowing under the burning incense. 每逢清明时节,附近各民族群众到洞内一巨型观音像下烧香拜佛者甚多。
- This was the historical fact of how Taiwan,like the other parts of China,came to be opened up and settled by the Chinese people of various nationalities. 这一史实说明,台湾和中国其他省区一样,同为中国各族人民所开拓所定居。
- Xinjiang carpet is famous all over the world.It includes printing and dyeing,intertexture,painting,carve,needlework of various nationalities in Xinjiang. 新疆地毯享誉中外,是新疆各民族印染、编织、绘画、雕刻、刺绣等技艺的综合体。
- Today diversity means all races and ethnic groups, various nationalities, men and women, the disabled, employees of all ages, and people of various sexual orientations. 今日的多元化包含着所有种族文化群体、各个民族、男性女性、残障人、各年龄层雇员、以及不同性取向的人。
- "A great unified family of nationalities" shows various nationalities are all fraternal and equally, we should be patriotic firstly to raise homeland mentality. “统一的民族大家庭”指各民族是平等的兄弟民族。各民族增强祖国观念首先要爱国。
- The Chinese government has paid a great deal of attention to maintaining and developing the excellent traditional cultures of various nationalities,and made tremendous efforts to promote the culture and education of the minority nationalities. 中国政府重视维护和发展各少数民族的优秀传统文化,大力发展少数民族的教育文化事业。
- The Chinese government pays due attention to the protection and realization of the rights of the country,the various nationalities and private citizens to economic,cultural,social and political development. 中国政府重视维护和实现国家、民族和个人的经济、文化、社会和政治的发展权。
- Ignoring facts,the Dalai Lama fabricated numerous lies to sow dissension among the various nationalities and incite the Tibetan people to oppose the central government during his 30-year self-exile abroad. 达赖在出国后的三十多年里,不顾事实 ,编造了大量谎言在各国籍人民之间埋下了不和谐的种子,而且煽动臧人反对中央政府。
- To this end,Communists of various nationalities have assembled in London,and sketched the following Manifesto,to be published in the English,French,German,Italian,Flemish and Danish languages. 为了这个目的,各国共产党人集会于伦敦,拟定了如下的宣言,用英文、法文、德文、意大利文、弗拉芒文和丹麦文公布于世。
- Different religious beliefs may drive a wedge between the various national groups which make up the team. 宗教信仰的差异可能使这个由不同民族组成的队分裂。
- AIR PRODUCTS' POSITION ON CODES: Various national and/or local codes prohibit the general direct heating of containers. air PRODUCTS对于法规的态度:各种各样的国家和/或地方法规禁止容器的一般直接加热。
- He gained widespread fame during World War II for a series of posters in behalf of various national causes. 第二次世界大战期间,他因一系列支持民族事业的招贴画而名声四扬。
- Under the Constitution of the People's Republic of China,the Tibetan people,like the people of various nationalities throughout the country,have become masters of the country and enjoy full political rights provided for by the law. 按照新中国宪法,西藏人民同全国各族人民一样,成为国家的主人,享有法律所规定的一切政治权利。
- Girls of various nationality are all smiles because. Today is the first day to pick XiangChun leaves in XiangChun base. 各民族姑娘们兴高采烈,今天是到香椿基地采春椿的第一天。