- Variable Depth Sonar System 可变深度声呐系统
- independent variable depth sonar 独立可变深度声纳
- Improved Variable Depth Sonar 改进型可变深度声呐
- variable depth sonar 可变深度声纳
- variable depth sonar (VDS) 变深声纳
- Propelled Variable Depth Sonar 推进器驱动的可变深度声呐
- With the fast development of science and technology, sonar system is digitized and intelligentized gradually. 随着科学技术的飞速发展,声纳设备逐渐向数字化、智能化发展。
- The towed sonar system is used extensively in modern antisubmarine, ocean geologic and resources surveying. 摘要在现代反潜、海洋水文和资源勘测中,拖曳式声呐系统得到了越来越广泛的应用。
- A new adaptive data reduction algorithm is presented to display large amounts of data on the computer screen of active sonar system. 摘要本文讨论了主动声纳系统中主动检测结果的数据显示问题。
- The west part of Biyang sag is in the basin margin with variable depth of target, featuring shallow in the north and steep dips due to existence of major faults in the south. 泌阳凹陷西部带处在盆地构造的边缘,目的层深度变化较快,北部目的层较浅,南部存在边界大断裂,地层倾角较大。
- Extracting line spectrum from ship-radiated noise is a key technique for identification of underwater targets in passive sonar system. 线谱是水中目标辐射噪声中重要的特征信息,在被动声呐系统中,线谱提取是水中目标识别的关键技术。
- Finally, the application with instance based on real-time middleware TAO is explained in order to make progress in establishing open sonar system. 在此基础上,基于实时中间件产品TAO讨论了在显控系统中的应用实例,为建立开放的声纳系统作出实践。
- The author proposed a tentative idea about forming the model of submarine terrain by the model of DGPS combining with Sonar system. 并提出用差分GPS配合声纳测深进行动态连续定位,从而建立海底地形模型的设想。
- The sonar system can detect, track, sort and fix the targets, and send warning signals to shore stations for preventing threats and ensuring the security of ports and warships. 该声纳系统可探测、跟踪、分类活动和固定目标,并向岸站发出报警信号,以便对威胁进行防御,保护港口、舰船等的安全。
- The research idea in the paper can offer some constructive inspirations to modularized realization、 regroupment and avoidance of iterative development of sonar system. 本文的研究思路可以为声纳系统的模块化实现、重组,避免系统的重复研制提供了有益启示。
- This method has been proved in theory and applied successfully in the signal processing of shallow water Bathymetric Side-scan Sonar System(BSSS) whose array is small. 这种方法使盖氏圆准则在不减少阵列有效孔径的前提下,仍然可以对有相关性的信源数得到准确估计。
- The sonar system must contain a beamformer within the wide frequency domain when it is used to explore the sea bottom and to identify underwater objects. 摘要对于海底探测和分类问题的声呐系统来说,一般要求声呐系统具备在较宽频带内形成恒定束宽波束的能力。
- Compare with the sonar system, laser system has the advantages of high precision, highefficiency and being unacted on the temperature or salinity of seawater in ocean inspection. 激光系统相对于声纳系统在海洋探测领域有着探测精度高、探测效率高、不受海水温度和盐度影响等优势,近些年来取得了很大的发展。
- far-infrared spectrometer with variable depth grating 具有可变深度光栅的远红外光谱仪
- Seismic imaging uses a process similiar to the sonar systems which submarines use to navigate. 地震成像的过程类似于潜水艇用来导航的声纳系统。