- Vaquero Xixiduige. 风景如诗如画是理想的旅游避暑胜地。
- A vaquero on a cattle ranch in Mato Grosso. 马托格罗索州一间牛场的牧童。
- Near see Zhanfangchuiyan, vaquero play, the birds of Kolin. 峡谷还有山珍猛禽、名贵药材等。
- The vaquero leaning against a big tree is teasing a little bird with a stick. 二是小牧童径自玩耍,靠在大树背后,用棍子逗弄一只小鸟,童趣盎然。
- Then the artist portrayed a little vaquero who was playing all by himself.The vaquero leaning against a big tree is teasing a little bird with a stick. 二是小牧童径自玩耍,靠在大树背后,用棍子逗弄一只小鸟,童趣盎然。
- They get their name from vaquero, (pronounced bah-care-oh) the Spanish word for "cowboy," because the first buckaroos in the area were Spanish-speaking horsemen. 他们的工时长且薪资低,然而,身为牛仔的人都是能吃苦耐劳且个性独立的人,他们选择在接近大自然的环境下工作。
- Tsui Chuk here around the shore, cottages embellishment, a single-plank bridge Wang, Rice sway, agricultural Fuhe hoe, vaquero Water, scenery Junlangqingyi, very Southland pastoral atmosphere. 这里翠竹绕岸,农舍点缀,独木桥横,稻穗摇曳,农夫荷锄,牧童戏水,风光俊朗清逸,极富南国田园气息。
- local names for a cowboy (vaquero is used especially in SW and C Texas; buckaroo is used especially in California). 对牛仔的内地称呼(“vaquero”特别在得科萨斯州的西南部和中部使用;“buckroo”特别在加利福尼亚州使用)
- vaqueron. (美国西南部和墨西哥的)牧童;饲养家畜的人