- Valuation of goods for GA 共同海损货物估定价格单
- All varieties of goods for daily use are available. 日用百货一应俱全。
- The exchange of goods for an agreed sum of money. 以协商好的价钱交换货物。
- Convention on the Valuation of Goods for Customs Purposes 货物课税估价公约
- That company has imported a lot of goods for sale at home. 那家公司进口了许多货物在国内销售。
- A friendly reviewer can do a world of good for your business. 一个友善的软件使用者会满世界帮你的软件说好话。
- She asked for a valuation of her house. 她要求对她的房舍作一估价。
- Recognizing that the basis for valuation of goods for customs purposes should, to the greatest extent possible, be the transaction value of the goods being valued; 认识到海关对货物估价的依据在最大限度内应为被估价货物的成交价格;
- A bowl of hot chicken soup is good for you. 喝一碗热鸡汤对你有好处。
- 41. Recognizing the need for a fair, uniform and neutral system for the valuation of goods for customs purposes that precludes the use of arbitrary or fictitious customs values; 认识到需要一个公平、统一和中性的海关对货物估价的制度,以防止使用任意或虚构的完税价格;
- They carried a great stock of goods for winter sale. 他们置办了大批货物以供冬季销售。
- This new department store offers a large variety of goods for sale. 这家新百货商店备有品种繁多的商品。
- valuation of goods for 共同海损货物估定价格单
- The store keeps a large stock of goods for winter sale. 这家商店库存大批货物, 供冬季销售。
- valuation of goods for G/A 共同海损货物估价单
- She asked for valuation of her house. 她要求对她的房舍作一估价。
- A 10-day display and sales exhibition of goods for children opened yesterday. 为期10天的儿童用品展销会于昨天开始。
- The packaging of goods for sale has become a large industry in its own right. 商品包装本身已经成为一大行业。
- British economist and logician who codeveloped the marginal utility theory(published1886),which explains the value of goods and services in terms of the subjective valuation of consumers. 杰方兹,威廉·斯坦利1835-1882英国经济学家和逻辑学家。他与人合作发展了边际效益理论(1886年发表),该理论解释了根据消费者主观估价所产生的商品及服务的价值。
- British economist and logician who codeveloped the marginal utility theory(published1886, which explains the value of goods and services in terms of the subjective valuation of consumers. 杰方兹,威廉 斯坦利1835-1882英国经济学家和逻辑学家。他与人合作发展了边际效益理论(1886年发表),该理论解释了根据消费者主观估价所产生的商品及服务的价值