- Vajry Pestle 金刚杵
- He ground the rock candy with a mortar and pestle. 他自己动手用研钵和杵把冰糖研成粉。
- To pound,grind,or mash with or as if with a pestle. 捣,研碎用杵或类似杵的东西磨碎、研磨或捣碎
- Gently mash the lime pulp with a wooden pestle. 果肉部分朝上,用木杵捣出青柠汁。
- He ground the spices himself with a mortar and pestle. 他自己动手用研钵和杵把香料研成粉。
- The composing of a dental amalgam by mortar and pestle. 研磨,捣碎用作杵和臼来制作一种牙科用混合物的过程
- A vessel in which substances are crushed or ground with a pestle. 小臼一种容器,在里面物质被挤压或用一杵碾磨
- To pound, grind, or mash with or as if with a pestle. 捣,研碎用杵或类似杵的东西磨碎、研磨或捣碎
- This glass is ground under water using pestle and mortar. 玻璃在水下被杵和臼碾压。
- The old lady was grinding an iron pestle without fear of tiredness. 李白看了笑呵呵,说:“傻子才干这种活呢!”
- These he grinds together with a pestle cast in the shape of a woman. 他把这些东西混合,用杵捣成一个女人的形状。
- More interesting exhibits. No, no, the mortar &pestle wasn't for spices... 更多有趣的陈列品。这杵和臼不是用来磨香料的...
- An implement of stone or other hard substance used as a pestle to grind paints or drugs. 研杵用石头或其他硬物制做成的用于磨碎颜料或药的工具
- This manual coffee grinder from the late 1800s is a mechanized replacement for the mortar and pestle. 这种始于19世纪末的手动咖啡机,因其机械化的进步取代了原先使用的舀和杵。
- Powder and mix the sea greens and antioxidant tablets, if used. (Use a mortar and pestle or other crushing implements. 将海藻弄成粉状,如果有用抗氧化剂片也要弄成粉。
- "Pestle music" - A folk performance of song and dance, is very rare in Mainland China. 杵乐这种民间艺术歌舞在中国大陆是很少见到的。
- Powder and mix the sea greens and antioxidant tablets, if used.( Use a mortar and pestle or other crushing implements. 将海藻弄成粉状,如果有用抗氧化剂片也要弄成粉。
- Though you pound a fool in a mortar with a pestle along with crushed grain, His folly will not depart from him. 闼溆描平?尥?擞氪蛩榈穆笞右煌?吩诰手校??挠尥?故抢氩涣怂?
- He was given numerous titles including Sakra ("Powerful"), Vajri("the Thunderer"), Purandara( "Destroyer of Cities"), Meghavahana( "Rider of the Clouds"), and Svargapati( "the Lord of Heaven"). 他有着无数的称号,包括塞加拉(“强大者”),吠吉拉(“雷震子”),普然达拉 (“攻城掠寨者”),梅哈吠哈那(“云骑士”),以及吠拉帕提(“天老爷”)。
- Though you grind a fool in a mortar, grinding him like grain with a pestle, you will not remove his folly from him. 你虽用杵、愚妄人与打碎的麦子一同捣在臼中、的愚妄还是离不了他。