- Ushihara Kyohiko 牛原虚彦(1897-?),日本人,导演。
- Bram Stoker wrote the novel Dracula in 1897. 1897年斯托克写了一本小说,取名《德拉可拉》。
- Hongkong was British Colony since 1897. 香港自从1897年以来是英国的殖民地。
- In 1897, to sanctify the trumperies of imperialism. 1897年的庆典是对五光十色的帝国主义政策的御前恩准。
- Department of Tatar people in 1897. 系塔塔尔族人士于1897年 。
- A European Jewish socialist movement founded in Russia in 1897. 1897年在俄国发起的欧洲犹太人社会主义运动。
- Faulkner was born in New Albany, Mississippi on September 25, 1897. 1897年9月25日,福克纳降生在密西西比州新阿尔巴尼镇。
- The company entered into motion picture production in 1897. 这个公司在1897年就开始电影制作工作了。
- In 1897, the government signed a treaty of annexation with Hawaii. 1897年,政府和夏威夷签订了归并协议。
- The first World Shooting Championships were held in 1897. 第一届世界锦标赛举行于1897年。
- J. Macgowan. Pictures of Southern China[M]. London, 1897. 罗斯.;变化中的中国人[M]
- One of the pieces was painted by Claude Monet in 1897. 其中一幅是克劳德·莫奈在1897所创作的作品。
- An 1897 steam calliope makes itself heard every now and then. 一架产于一八九七年的蒸汽汽笛风琴会不时响起悠扬乐声。
- Cartier Rhona winery is Italy's largest wine company, was founded in 1897. 卡地罗娜酒厂是意大利最大的酿酒企业之一,始创于1897年。
- In Kansas at the turn of the century (1897) Edwin and Amy Earheart gave birth to their daughter Amelia. 1897年在美国堪萨斯州,艾迪温和艾米.;爱尔哈特的女儿艾米丽雅出世了。
- In February, 1897, a woman student, Vetrova, burned herself to death in the PeterPaul fortress. 1897年2月,一位名叫维特罗娃的女学生在彼得保罗要塞自焚而死。
- In 1897, Maria Montessori joined the staff at the University of Rome as a voluntary assistant. 1897年,蒙特利索进入罗马大学,做义工助理。
- In February, 1897, a woman student, Vetrova, burned herself to death in the Peter Paul fortress. 1897年2月,一位名叫维特罗娃的女学生在彼得保罗要塞自焚而死。
- Average working hours in industry fell from 59.1 a week in 1897 to 55.2 in 1914. 工业中平均劳动时间,从1897年的每周五十九点一小时,降低到1914年的每周五十五点二小时。
- Emile Durkheim, the father of modern sociology, wrote in 1897 that suicide rates were a key sign of the state of a community. 现代社会学家之父埃米尔?迪尔凯姆在1897年写道自杀率是反映社会现状的一个重要标志。