- Use your brain before doing something. 做事前先动脑子想想。
- You use your brain for challenges beyond figuring out the carpool schedule. 。你用你的智慧接受挑战而不是只想些用车计划之类的琐事。
- If you stop using your brain you soon go stale. 如果你不用脑子思考了,你很快就会变得迟钝。
- A similar network now popular war game battle tanks, the player needs for the launch angle of the trajectory, quite challenging, use your brains. 一款类似如今热门网络对战游戏的坦克作战,玩家需要计算发射角度对于弹道的影响,颇具挑战性,开动你的脑筋!
- You don't have to use your brain to understand. I can pretty much understand what you are talking about. 例如你要问人家一个问题,你就可。
- Abbas from Iran, now living in Sweden, says it is good to use your brain because calculators are not always available. 来自伊朗的阿巴斯,他现在住在瑞典,他称:"使用你的大脑是有益处的,因为计算器并不是时时刻刻都很准确。
- When you actively use your brain by telling your body what to do you are programming your muscle memory. 当你积极地动你的脑筋藉由告诉你的身体该做什麽,此时你正在规画你的肌肉记忆。
- Use your brains. 动动脑筋。
- Abbas from Iran, now living in Sweden, says it is good to use your brain because the calculators are not always available. 来自伊朗的阿巴斯现在住在瑞典,他说最好还是用自己的脑子,因为不是在哪都有计算器的。
- This is a Rubik's cube game, it is the need to activate your brain, now use your smart brain to control its right to win games. 这是一款魔方游戏,很需要开动你的大脑,现在就用你聪明的大脑来控制它吧赢得游戏吧。
- Puzzles help you use your brain to figure out the answers.Crossword puzzles also have the added benefit of increasing your vocabulary and trivia knowledge. 谜题有利于你开动大脑去猜测出答案,纵横填字谜还有另外一个好处,能增加你的词汇和琐事知识。
- But if you want to think, find out, you have not only to use your brain, which is extraordinarily active, if you want money you work like hell to get it. 但是如果你想思考,想发现,你就不仅仅要用你的大脑,它是极其活跃的,如果你想要赚钱,你就会拼命工作。
- You should use your intelligence. 你应该发挥你的聪明才智。
- This crossword will really tax your brain. 这纵横字谜真能让人大伤脑筋。
- Use your imagination to find an answer. 运用你的想像力来寻找答案。
- Too much of this sort of work turns your brain. 这种工作做多了会让你头脑发昏。
- Use your compasses to draw a circle. 用圆规画圆。
- Too much television rots your brain. 多看电视会使你的头脑退化。
- Come on, you dozy lot use your heads! 快点,你们这群笨蛋--开动脑筋嘛!
- May I use your name as a reference? 我可以请您作我的荐举人吗?