- Urticaria due to heat 热致荨麻疹
- Internal use: for coughs due to heat in the lungs, menorrhagia, leukorrhea. 肺热咳嗽,月经过多,白带;
- As the tool softens due to heat, it wears and breaks down at the cutting edge or face. 在刃口因高温而软化的同时,刀具刃口便开始磨耗并损坏。
- Hold No. 1 was on fire and timber stowed in it was burning fiercely. Obviously, fire spread was due to heat transference through bulkhead. 第一舱起火,舱内木材猛烈燃烧,火的蔓延显然是由于舱壁传热所致。
- They will harness the sun's energy to heat homes. 他们将利用太阳能为住宅供暖。
- Some students quit school due to poverty. 一些学生因贫困而辍学。
- Root and caulis: for influenza with fever, conjunctivitis, cough due to heat in lungs, jaundice with infection, acute gastritis, urinary tract infection, injuries from impacts. 根、茎:清热除湿,通经活络。用于感冒发热,眼结膜炎,肺热咳嗽,湿热黄疸,急性胃肠炎,尿路感染,跌打损伤。
- Mr.Black bowed out of politics due to poor health. 布莱克先生由于健康不佳而退出政治生涯。
- Sale is down a bit due to the revaluation. 由于货币升值销售额有下降。
- The ship was due to sail the following morning. 这艘船定于第二天启航。
- The accident was due to her negligence. 这次事故是因她疏忽所致。
- The room was cold when we arrived, but soon began to heat up. 我们到达时房间里很冷,但很快就变热了起来。
- His successes were largely due to luck. 他的成功主要靠运气。
- Report on 2 cases with systematic urticaria due to injection of rabies vaccine 注射狂犬疫苗引起全身荨麻疹2例报告
- Metamorphic rocks are formed from both sedimentary and igneous rocks by transformations due to heat and pressure at depth in the crust; unless very intense, these transformations do not totally obliterate the primary igneous or sedimentary features. 变质岩通常由沉积岩和火成岩受到地壳深处的地热和压力影响而变化形成,除非转变非常强烈,一般都不会完全去除火成岩和沉积岩的主要特征。
- My passport is due to expire in two months. 我的护照再过两个月就到期了。
- They burned coal to heat the room. 他们烧煤使房间暖和。
- His success is entirely due to hard work. 他的成功完全是努力工作的结果。
- The team's success was largely due to her efforts. 该队的成功在很大程度上是由于她的努力。
- Although most cylinders are designed to vent contents when exposed to elevated temperatures, note that pressure in a container can build up due to heat and it may rupture if a pressure relief device should fail to function. 尽管大多数钢瓶设计得可以在暴露于高温时排出内容物,要注意如果减压装置失效的话,容器内的压力会由于热而积累,从而导致钢瓶破裂。