- Urostyla trichogaster 胃丝尾柱虫
- Trichogaster trichopterus sumatranusn. 黄金丽丽(斗鱼科)
- Aquaculture and Breeding of Dwarf Gourami Trichogaster labius 观赏鱼真菌性疾病和寄生虫病的中草药治疗
- Rearing and Breeding of Pearl Gourami Trichogaster leeri 珍珠马甲鱼的饲养和繁殖
- Living Behaviour, Propagation and Larval Rearing of Spotted Gourami Trichogaster trichopterus 蓝曼龙的生活习性、繁殖及仔稚鱼的培育
- Urostyla grandis 大尾柱虫
- Urostyla 尾柱纤虫属
- Urostyla candata 尾柱虫
- Trichogaster leerin. 蕾丝丽丽(斗鱼科)
- Trichogaster microlepisn. 月光丽丽(斗鱼科)
- Trichogaster 毛腹鱼属
- Trichogaster trichopterus 毛腹鱼