- Updating Packet Radio 改进型分组无线(网)
- GPRS (General Packet Radio Service). 通用分组无线业务).
- The preexistence of mobile Ad Hoc network is packet radio network. Ad Hoc网络的前身是分组无线网(Packet Radio Network)。
- GPRS is the abbreviation for general packet radio service. GPRS是通用分组无线业务的简称。
- Chapter Two generally introduces GPRS (general packet radio service) . 第二章介绍了GPRS(通用分组无线业务)。
- One advantage of adaptive spatial TDMA with CDMA used in packet radio is its high efficiency. 自适应空分TDMA与CDMA相结合的多址方式是分组无线电网的一种高效率的多址方式。
- In chapter 4, we study employing smart antennas in the basestation of packet radio networks. 第四章对多波束智能天线在星型结构分组无线网中的应用进行了研究,利用智能天线实现信道的空分复用,并在MAC层实现多波束智能天线与网络的融合。
- MIL-STD 188-220C protocol is a standard for information exchange among military packet radio C~4I systems. M IL-STD 188-220C是军用分组无线电C4I系统之间的互操作标准。
- In physical layer, clients select GPRS (general packet radio service) to access Internet after comparing and analyzing. 在分析比较了几种通信方式以后,我们在下层选择了GPRS(General Packet Radio Service,通用无线分组业务)技术,将客户端接入Internet。
- General Packet Radio Service (GPRS) is a digital technology, which is called 2.5G. 通用分组无线业务(GPRS)网络是一种数字技术;通常被人们称作2.;5G技术。
- Packet radio network is a packet switch system with multi-address wireless channel. 分组无线网 PRN(Packet Radio Network)是一种使用无线多址信道的分组交换系统。
- It is focused on scheduling algorithms for the general packet radio service (GPRS) in this paper. 主要讨论通用无线分组业务(GPRS)调度算法。
- This r adio routing protocol is available for mobile packet radio network with the need of destruction resistance. 此无线路由协议适用于移动分组无线网的抗毁性要求。
- In this paper,we design a electrocardiographic telemetry system using General Packet Radio Service(GPRS). 因此,本文提出了一种基于GPRS标准的新型心电图仪系统。
- The packet radio network is a new wireless network. It uses packet switching between nodes and shares the common wireless channel. 分组无线网是一种新型的无线通信网络,是在网络节点之间使用分组交换,共享无线信道的数字通信网络。
- High Speed Packet Radio Network (HSPRN) is a data communication network which applies packet switching to the domain of broadcast radio. 高速分组无线网(HSPRN)是一种新型的无线通信网络,是利用分组交换共享无线信道的数字通信网。
- More than one update packet may be needed to convey all the topology information to the newly discovered neighbor. 要将所有拓扑资讯传送给最近发现的邻居,可能需要不止一个更新封包。
- This paper introduces the General Packet Radio Service(GPRS) technology,its communication characteristics and development prospect. 介绍了通用分组无线业务(GPRS)技术、GPRS通信的特点以及发展前景。
- Update packets are used when a router discovers a new neighbor. 当路由器发现新的邻居时用到更新包。
- An EIGRP router sends unicast update packets to that new neighbor . EIGRP路由器向新的邻居发送单播更新。