- STS Education And It's Permeation Strategy in the University Physics Teaching STS教育及其在大学物理教学中的渗透策略
- The university physical teaching 大学物理教学
- Bilingual Education Curriculum Construction of University Physics Course in the National College Physics Teaching Base 国家工科物理教学基地大学物理双语教学课程建设探讨
- University physics teaching 大学物理教学
- Sears and Zemansky's university physics /Hugh D.Young, Roger A. Freeman = 西尔斯物理学 / 休 D.;杨;罗杰 A
- According to the teaching practice , the quality of university physics experiment teaching may be improved by multimedia. 结合教学实践,论述了多媒体辅助教学有利于提高大学物理实验教学质量。
- How to Cultivate innovation ability in physics teaching? 如何在物理教学中培养创新能力?
- Lorenz is an educator, he Leiden University in physics and theoretical physics teaching for many years, wrote calculus and physics textbooks general. 洛伦兹还是一位教育家,他在莱顿大学从事普通物理和理论物理教学多年,写过微积分和普通物理等教科书。
- Huang Cong, male, PHD candidate of Peking University Physics School. 黄聪,男,北京大学物理学院天体物理专业博士生。
- M. Alonso and , Fundamental University Physics, Vol. 1, Addison-Wesley(1978). 中译本:福特,经典和近代物理学,陈纲等译,人民教育出版社(1980-1983).
- The teaching project "Teaching reform of university physics for medical students" was decided. I will take charge of one of the branch project "study on teaching methods and means". “医药类大学物理教学改革课题”立项,作为子课题负责人,主持其中的“教学方法和手段的研究”。
- Nanotubes are creating in university physics departments and at places like IBM. 目前,在各大学的物理系和像IBM那样的公司都在制造纳管。
- Role playing provides fine chances for students development and has distinctive rules in physics teaching. 角色扮演为物理教学和学生全面发展提供了良好的平台 ,在物理教学中具有独特的价值。
- One of the duties in Physics teaching is to consciously train students dialectical ability. 自觉培养学生的辩证思维能力,是物理学科的重要职责之一。
- University Physics", 8th ed., H.D. Young, Addison-Wesley Publishing Company(1992). 磁性物理学”,近角聪信著,张煦,理学养译,联经出版事业公司(1982)。
- Experiment is an important means of physics teaching it couldn't be substitutive to other teaching methods. 实验是物理教学的一种重要手段,它是其它教学方法不能替代的。
- Arfken, G. B., D. F. Griffing, D. C. Kelly, J. Priest, 1984. University Physics. 史惠顺;1977.;平面测量学;国立成功大学航空测量研究所
- Teachers at the Physics Teaching Research Office are discussing how to teach with the new textbook. 物理教研室的老师正在探讨新教材的教法。
- Since then, He engaged in physics teaching and research work, and began to research the history of science. 从此,他在从事物理学教学和研究之余,又开始进入科技史研究新领域。
- Our tragedy today is a general and universal physical fear so long sustained by now that we can even bear it. 我们今天的悲剧是人们普遍存在一种生理上的恐惧,这种恐惧存在已久,以致我们已经习惯了。