- University of Zhengzhou city 郑州市高校
- Erqi District is important industry center of Zhengzhou City. 二七区还是郑州市重要的工业基地。
- This project has been a key engineering of Zhengzhou City. 这一工程已成为郑州市的重点工程。
- This is the CBD of Zhengzhou City decorating as a lanterns garden. 今天河南省省会郑州CBD被装饰成灯笼的海洋。
- Experiments were conducted at Xusui Farm, the suburb of Zhengzhou City, Henan Province. 试验在河南省郑州市郊区徐遂农场进行。
- Taking the project in one district of Zhengzhou City for example,its result accords with actual requirement. 以郑州市区某城网架空线入地改造工程为算例,所得到的评判结果与工程的实际要求非常吻合。
- As central commercial and trade center of Zhengzhou City ,capital of Henan Province, Erqi District has a total population of 0.6 million. 二七区,是河南省省会郑州市的商贸中心区。总人口60万.
- Firstly, this paper analyzes the Change process of Zhengzhou city since the beginning of the 20th Century, that is, the stage of stagnancy, starting, expansion, accelerating etc. 本文分析了郑州市20世纪初以来的城市演变过程,归纳出四个阶段,即停滞、起步、扩张和加速阶段;
- ZHENGZHOU WESTERN WORLD METALLURGY FURNACE CHARGE LIMITED COMPANY (formerly Erqi Refractory Plant), located in the vast hinterland of the Central Plains -- beautiful western suburbs of Zhengzhou City, Henan Province will. 郑州市西洋冶金炉料有限公司(原郑州市二七耐火材料厂),位于广阔的中原腹地---美丽的河南省会郑州市西郊。
- Guancheng Hui Nationality District locates in the southeast of Zhengzhou City, which is the histrionic famous city in China, one of the eight ancient capitals, and the capital of Henan province. 管城,历史悠久,人杰地灵。早在3600年前,即为商王朝都邑,因西周初年在此建立管国而得名管城,是至今全国仍保持原名的历史古城和绵亘不绝、日益兴旺的商都故地。
- With fluctuant landform, elegant and attractive natural landscape, advanced traffic, upon completion, it will become a tourist attraction of citizens of Zhengzhou City and visitors. 这里地形起伏,自然风光怡人,周边交通发达,建成后将成为郑州市市民及外来游客休闲、旅游的场所。
- I enrolled at the University of Vienna. 我报名就读于维也纳大学。
- Objective To evaluate the health system responsiveness of Zhengzhou city and to explore the association between the different anthropological background and health system responsiveness. 摘要目的初步评价郑州市卫生系统反应性,探讨性别、年龄、婚姻、文化程度、职业、家庭收入等人口学特征与卫生系统反应性评分的相互关系。
- This paper introduced GIS technology into urban traffic planning,developed GIS-supporting system which has been successfully applied to the Synthetic Traffic Planning of Zhengzhou City. 通过在城市交通规划中引入GIS,研制开发了城市交通规划GIS支持系统,并在郑州市综合交通规划中进行了成功的应用。
- Zhengzhou University of adequate educational resources. 郑州大学办学资源充足。
- Intermediate People's Court of Zhengzhou City 郑州市中级人民法院
- Arrive at University of Maryland. 抵达马里兰大学。
- She is a postgraduate at the University of Chicago. 她是芝加哥大学的一名研究生。
- I am going to study at the University of Calgary. 我要到卡尔加里大学学习。
- I graduated from the University of California. 我毕业于加利福尼亚大学。