- Unity of people and nature 天人合一说
- Mosquitoes like to suck the blood of people and animals. 蚊子喜好吸人和动物的血。
- And she looked forward to the freedom of people and nature, and livingness full of spirituality and exuberant vitality, showing her sincere praise of life. 她期望人与大自然都能自由自在、充满灵性充满旺盛蓬勃的生命活力,她对生命表现出由衷的呼唤与赞美。
- There are a lot of people and much noise there. 那里有很多人而且很嘈杂。
- Touches the widest scope of people and geography? 涉及最广泛的人与地理范围明天你要采取怎样的行动?
- Ensure safety of people and equipment. 负责人员和设备的安全。
- There were a lot of people and much noise there. 那里人很多,而且嘈杂极了。
- Ostrom's research has focuses on the interaction of people and natural resources and how common property can be successfully managed by those groups using it. 的研究关注在人们的相互影响和自然资源以及公共财产怎样能够被这些组织更成功地运用。
- My heart is full of the images of people and things. 我心中充满了人和事物的形象。
- The square was a sea of people and a hubbub of voices bubbled up. 广场上人山人海,人声鼎沸。
- Generally speaking, Taoism and Chinese medicine take the same philosophy of" the unity of man and nature". 从总体上来说,道家、家都以天人合一为基本哲学思路。
- Community is the social cell, and is the social unity of people live together. 摘要社区是社会的细胞,是人们生活相处的社会共同体。
- A touristic and personal exploration of people and their faces. 一个旅游者对人与面孔的研究。
- Harmonious education should be a harmonious unity of virtue and intellect with a link to aestheticism, of man and man and of man and nature. 和谐教育应该是以审美为纽带的德性、智性的和谐统一,是人与人、人与自然的和谐统一;
- City is the living environment of people and place for development. 城市是人聚居借以生存和持续发展的生活环境。
- In the manuscript, he thought that the relation of man and nature was the dialectic unity of man's ini~ative and passivity,man and man in the Capitalism was the alienation. 在《手稿》中,马克思认为:人与自然是人的能动性与受动性的辩证统一关系,而人与人在资本主义社会中则是异化关系。
- Neither the Chinese "the Unity of Heaven and Man" nor the western "the Distinctiveness of Heaven and Man" deals with the harmonious development of human and nature. 不论是中国的“天人合一”还是西方的“天人相分”,都没有处理好人类与自然和谐发展的问题。
- Victoria reigned over a great variety of peoples and lands. 维多利亚统治一个具有众多民族和辽阔土地的国家。
- Thus,once more the central point of the problem is the unity of the entire Chinese people and the building up of a nation-wide anti-Japanese front. 所以问题的中心点还是中国全体人民团结起来,树立举国一致的抗日阵线。
- The Crown is used as an idol and is described as the representative of the interests of the people and the symbol of the unity of the nation. 君王作为一个偶像被描绘成人民利益的代表和国家统一的象征。