- Unio hypostatica 位格联合
- La Europa Unio invitis 10 Orientajn Europajn landojn alighi. (欧盟邀请10个东欧国家加入。)
- It showed there was an obvious selectivity when it began to lay eggs-it only laid their eggs into the gills of Unio douglasiae. 产卵时对蚌有明显的选择性,仅将卵产于杜氏珠蚌(Unio douglasiae)的鳃瓣中。
- Unio have vowed to take the government to court over controversial legislation pa ed yesterday enforcing pay cuts for 180, 000 civil servants. 立法会昨日通过立法减薪,裁减十八万名公务员的薪金,备受广大争议。工会誓言会控告政府。
- Any of several freshwater bivalve mollusks of the genera Anodonta and Unio, found in the central United States, that burrow in the sand or mud of lakes and streams. 淡水蚌发现于美国中部的无齿贝属和珠蚌属几种淡水双壳软体动物的一种,在湖和河中的沙中或泥中挖洞
- Unio have vowed to take the government to court over controversial legislation pa ed yesterday enforcing pay cuts for 180,000 civil servants. 立法会昨日通过立法减薪,裁减十八万名公务员的薪金,备受广大争议。工会誓言会控告政府。
- This is the unio mystica and the ascension sought by Christian mystics and saints ever since the resurrection of the Master Jesus. 这是联盟的阿森松岛神秘和基督教神秘主义者所追求和圣人以来复活的主耶稣。
- Any of several freshwater bivalve mollusks of the genera Anodonta and Unio,found in the central United States,that burrow in the sand or mud of lakes and streams. 淡水蚌,发现于美国中部的无齿贝属和珠蚌属几种淡水双壳软体动物的一种,在湖和河中的沙中或泥中挖洞。
- With the deepness of city and countryside marketing management unio n, the problems about user management in the traditional countryside power suppl y station are shown. 随着城乡一体化营销管理的深入,传统的农村供电所对用户的管理暴露出许多问题。
- Trade unio , Youth Leagues, Women's Federatio and other social organizatio shall protect the lawful rights and interests of minors in accordance with law. 工会、共青团、妇联等群众组织应当依法维护未成年人的合法权益。
- Also, because building societies and credit unio paid higher interest rates than banks, people moved their deposits out of the banking system into what we refered to as broad money. 而且住房互助会和信用社付的利息比银行要高,因此人们把存款转移到了银行以外的地方,成为我们所说的“广义货币”。
- The Uniform of the Unio. 美国南北战争军服。
- L\'unio fait la force. 团结就是力量。
- This law covers a licants to, and employees of, state and local governments, public or private educational i titutio , and most private employers, employment agencies, labor unio , and a renticeship programs. 此法案适用于求职人员、州和当地政府雇员、公共或私人教育机构职员、众多私营雇主、职业中介机构、劳工组织、学徒培训机构中的雇员。
- Unio have warned that a wave of cla room strikes could start within weeks after the government refused to heed calls by 5,000 demo trators yesterday for pla ed funding cuts to be scra ed. 教育组织昨日发起反削资游行,共五千人参与。但政府没有接纳他们的意见,教育组织威胁会发起一连串罢课行动。
- World's Women's Christian Temperance Unio 世界基督教妇女戒酒联合会
- Nordic Federation of Factory Workers Unio 北欧工人联盟联合会
- Croatian Christian Democratic Unio 克罗地亚基督教民主联盟(克基民盟)
- Unio nickliniana [Nicklin's pearly mussel] 线珠蚌
- Schachter unio of cholinesterase [医] 沙赫特氏胆碱酯酶单位