- Unicorns are nonexistent. 独角兽是子虛乌有的。
- Unicorns are also a kind of mascot. 麒麟是一种吉祥物。
- Medical facilities are nonexistent on that island. 医疗设施在该岛是不存在的。
- Partyism was nonexistent in those days. 党派制在那时候并不存在。
- I think these two are nonexistent conflict sex on certain level. 我认为这两个在一定程度上是不存在冲突性的。
- Will the unicorn be willing to serve thee, or abide by thy crib? 野牛岂肯服事你。岂肯住在你的槽旁。
- The captain of the Unicorn was led to the royal palace. “独角兽号”船长被引进王宫。
- Modern market economy is to have modulatory market economy, real free market economy is in any timeses are nonexistent. 现代市场经济是有调节的市场经济,纯粹的自由市场经济在任何时代都是不存在的。
- Any patent right which has been declared invalid shall be deemed to be nonexistent from the beginning. 宣告无效的专利权视为自始即不存在。
- The handicrafts industry was also extremely backward and modern industry was nonexistent in old Tibet. 旧西藏的民族手工业也十分落后,现代工业更是一片空白。
- But it bears mention that Unicorns possibly have silvery blood as well, judging by descriptions of bloodstains in the forest when the unicorns were being killed. 但是忍不住要提一句,独角兽的血液也是银色的,这是根据当独角兽被杀害的时候,在禁林里对血迹的描述判断的。
- When thinking stops, the insinuation of the presence of a mind doing the thinking will cease, and confusion will be nonexistent. 当思考停止时,对那从事思考的心灵所影射出来的存在也会中断,混乱无明的状态便不复存在。
- The problem was that maneuverability was decreased and mechamorphosis capability was nonexistent. 对接带来的问题则是机动性降低,而变形能力就根本没有了。
- Alice had no more breath for talking, so they trotted on in silence, till they came in sight of a great crowd, in the middle of which the Lion and Unicorn were fighting. 他们打得尘土飞扬,难解难分,因此爱丽丝起初分辨不出谁是谁,但很快就根据独角认出了独角兽来。
- A parliamentary constituency which possessed the right to elect members of parliament even though its population had dwindled or was nonexistent. 议会选民区都有权利去选举议会的成员即使它的人口已经下降或是不存在。
- The immediate answer would be “nonexistence,” but this is incorrect. 最直接的回答是“不存在”,但这是不确切的。
- Unicorns are legendary beasts. 独角兽是传说里的野兽。
- Mosher's team's 2001 investigation found that family planning was nonexistent and that forced abortions and sterilizations were commonplace. 毛的研究小组2001年的调查发现,计划生育是不存在的,强迫堕胎和绝育却是司空见惯。
- As far as we could see, malnutrition in 2000 was nonexistent, though Cubans without access to U.S. dollars still struggle. 就象我们看到的那样,2000年时的营养不良已经不复存在。
- If other countries follow Canada's lead, the market for American- style tobacco products will be nonexistent outside the U.S.," said Pryor. 如果其他国家追随加拿大的领导,那么在美国本土之外的美国型烟草产品的市场将不复存在,”普雷尔说。