- The muddy water has a choppy and irregular surface. 泥水表面波浪滔滔且不规则。
- The heartbeat was feeble and irregular. 心搏无力,心律不齐。
- Unequal and irregular 参差不齐
- Note the large size and irregular cut surface. 可见大而不规则的切面。
- Snipers and irregulars fell on the hapless patrol. 狙击兵和非正规军袭击了巡逻队。
- He roamed from chamber to chamber with hurried, unequal and objectless steps. 他漫无目的地从一个房间游荡到另一个房间,步子时大时小,但总是十分急促。
- Vast and irregular plains of ice stretched out in every direction. 唯见延绵不绝,高低起伏的一片冰洲。
- The breath heaved his chest at long and irregular intervals. 他的呼吸,忽长忽促,胸膛随着起伏。
- Why then are lightning bolts so jagged and irregular? 为什么闪电会以参差不齐的形态出现呢?
- North American and Asian herbs with divided leaves and irregular flowers. 北美和亚洲草本植物的一个属,叶细裂,花不整齐。
- This natural system is sometimes disturbed, and irregular beats occur. 这种天然的系统有时会发生紊乱从而出现不正常的跳动。
- A wrenching decade resulted in a more flexible and competitive economy, though also a more unequal and less cohesive society. 十年的苦心经营成就了一个更加富有弹性和竞争力的经济体,但也造就了一个更加不平等、加不团结的社会。
- What, then, is bankruptcy, but the most cruel, the most iniquitous, most unequal and disastrous of imposts? 总破产还不就是最厉害,最不公平,最不合理,带来大灾大难的征税吗?
- Snipers and irregulars fell on the haplesspatrol. 狙击兵和非正规军袭击了巡逻队。
- Capsule subtruncate and retuse at apex, carpels subequal, horizontal; if capsule apex not truncate then carpels distinctly unequal and divaricate. 蒴果近截形和微凹在先端,心皮,水平;那么蒴果先端不削去如果和极叉开的心皮明显不等。(4
- Be responsible to the regular checking and irregular checking of the storage. 负责库存物质的定期盘点组织及不定期抽查;
- Grinding machine parts, dies, oil nozzler and irregular parts of workpiece. 磨削机件、模型、喷油嘴及机器零件不规则的部分。
- Marked by haste, confusion, disorder, and irregularity. 草率的,混乱的具有仓促、混乱、无秩序或不规则的特点的
- Grinding machine parts, dies,oil nozzler and irregular parts of workpiece. 磨削机件、模型、喷油嘴及机器零件不规则的部分。
- On the right are rough and irregular hills dotted over with dark pines. 右边是为松树所点缀的崎岖而不规则的山丘。