- There was a steep climb on the road out of town. 市外公路上有一处很陡的上坡路。
- Recently they have laid an underground pipeline. 最近他们铺设了一条地下管道。
- I must sally forth into town and buy my week's food. 我得赶快去城里采购一星期吃的食物。
- The medieval town was fortified with a high wall and a deep moat. 这座中世纪的城市周围建有城墙和护城河。
- The missile is delivered from underground. 这种导弹由地下发射。
- They were suspected of underground activities. 他们被怀疑进行地下活动。
- People in this town know him as a lunatic. 这个镇上的人们称他为疯子。
- Moles stay underground most of the time. 钱鼠大部分时间住在地下。
- We are well served with gas in this town. 这个城镇煤气供应得很好。
- He went underground to avoid capture. 他转入秘密工作以免被捕。
- The factory is situated on the edge of the town. 这座工厂坐落在该城的边上。
- The cavers discovered a vast underground chamber. 探穴人发现了一个地下大洞穴。
- The hotel is situated at the edge of the town. 该饭店坐落于市区的边缘。
- A preacher stood declaiming in the town centre. 传教士站在市镇中心慷慨陈词。
- The quickest way to go round the city is by underground train. 在这个城市四处走动最快的办法就是乘坐地铁。
- The town boasts four swimming pools. 这座城镇以拥有四个游泳池而自豪。
- The mole bored (its way) underground. 鼹鼠在地下挖掘(路)。
- This part of the town has a lot of snob appeal. 该城的这一区很能吸引自视甚高的人。
- The prisoner escaped by digging an underground tunnel. 囚犯挖了一条地道逃跑了。
- I find this town too much of a backwater. 我觉得这个城镇太闭塞。