- Under Piccadilly Circus 在皮卡迪利广场的下面,
- Am I on the right road to Piccadilly Circus? 我走这条路去皮卡迪利广场对吗?
- There is a Piccadilly Circus in London. 在伦敦有个皮卡迪利广场。
- Piccadilly Circus at night is a colourful sight. 皮卡迪利广场之夜是一片色彩缤纷的景象。
- I was openly solicited at Piccadilly Circus. 我在皮卡底里广场遇到妓女公开向我兜揽生意。
- Am I on the right road to Piccadilly Circus ? 我走这条路去皮卡迪利广场对吗
- Tourist: How can I get to the Piccadilly Circus? 游客:我怎么才能到达皮卡迪利广场。
- Piccadilly Circus at night is a colorful sight. 皮卡迪利广场的夜晚是一幅光怪陆离的图画。
- How much is it to Piccadilly Circus? 到毕卡德利广场要多少钱呢?
- Have you ever been to Piccadilly Circus? 你去过彼卡迪利马戏团吗?
- Is this the right bus stop to go to Piccadilly Circus? 你: 这里是往Piccadilly广场的公共汽车站吗?
- How did you finally make your way down here to Piccadilly Circus? 最后你是怎么找到皮卡迪利广场的?
- How did you finally makeyourway down here to Piccadilly Circus? 你最后是怎么找到皮卡迪利广场的?
- And this is Piccadilly Circus with its statue of the Greek god of love, Eros. 这里是皮卡迪利广场和它的希腊爱神爱洛斯的塑像。
- Mr Jones: My office has been like Piccadilly Circus Underground Station. 琼斯先生:我的办公室就象皮卡第利广场的地铁车站。
- In the middle of Piccadilly Circus there is a statue said to be of Eros, the god of love. 在皮卡迪里广场的中央,伫立着一座据称名为厄络斯爱神的雕像。
- Winding its way through western London, Piccadilly Street runs from Hyde Park Circle to Piccadilly Circus. 皮卡迪利大街沿着伦敦西部蜿蜒徘徊,从海德公园地区一直贯穿到皮卡迪利广场。
- Underneath Piccadilly Circus there is an important tube station with escalators leading down to two different lines. 在皮卡迪利广场的下面,有个重要的地铁站。自动电梯将乘客分别输送到下面两条不同的路线。
- Besides them, there was a cruise on the Thames River, a visit to the Tower of London as well as a walk through Piccadilly Circus. 除了这两处景点,还有我们还乘船在泰晤士河上航行、参观伦敦塔、漫步皮卡迪利广场。
- It is difficult to say what is the real center of London, but many people would choose Piccadilly Circus. 很难说,伦敦的中心到底是哪里,但是,很多人都愿意选择皮卡迪里广场。