- Ulva spinulosan. 多刺石莼
- Studies on the chemical constituents of Ulva lactuca L. 石莼的化学成分。
- Scallop divers have worked out of Ulva Ferry for generations. 在厄瓦港口,扇贝采集者们世代在此生息繁衍。
- Title: Studies on the chemical constituents of Ulva lactuca L. 关键词:石莼;组分分离;结构鉴定;柱色谱;波谱分析;化学成分;甾醇
- The nutrition composition of Ulva conglobata kjellm was analyzed. 分析蛎菜的一般营养成分。
- Sprouting of V. spinulosa turion was not affected by heavy metal in sediment. 沉积污染环境中,刺苦草鳞茎的萌发未受到重金属的影响。
- Any of several dried, edible seaweeds of the genera Porphyra(the red algae) and Ulva(the green algae). 紫菜任一种紫菜属(红藻)和石藻属(绿藻)的晒干的、可食用海草
- The discovery of Alsophila spinulosa is valuable to further study their evolution. 桫椤在中坡的发现,对于研究其演变具有一定的意义。
- Such rare ferns as Alsophila spinulosa are growing in Mount Xiaoheishan nature reserve at the provincial level. 小黑山省级自然保护区生长着珍稀蕨类植物桫椤。
- Patterns in Nature: Plants The hairpin banksia (Banksia spinulosa) is native to eastern Australia. 译文:植物在自然界的模式。这种发夹样拔克西木属植物是东澳大利亚本土产品。
- Total yields of red sea bream and Ulva lactuca were 55?900g and 358?000g respectively. ind-1,总产量为55 900g; 石莼生长茂密,沥干鲜藻总产量达到358 000g。
- The effect of Ulva Pertusa on the removal of nutrient salt in piscatorial wastewater was studied. 在养殖废水中,利用大型海藻-孔石莼,研究其对各营养盐的吸收情况。
- Chlorophyta Ulva pertusa,a kind of marine macroalgae,was widely used in the fields of food and medicine. 孔石莼是一种大型绿藻,在食品、药物等领域具有广泛应用。
- Cyathea Spinulosa Gorge, the so-called No.1 Gorge in Fujian stretches all the way from here to the far sides of the gorge. 号称“八闽第一谷”的桫椤峡谷从这里一直延伸到峡谷的深处。
- Ulva P.K.can b?e used in intensive aquaculture system to clean water,save energy and provide an extra commercial crop. 用孔石莼净化养殖污水具有净水、节能和收获饵料的综合效果。
- In Zhongpo National Forest Park, there are two national key protective ferns Cibotium barometz and Alsophila spinulosa and seven ferns of endemic to China. 中坡拥有桫椤和金毛狗等2种国家重点保护蕨类和7种中国特有的蕨类。
- Ulva pertusa is an edible macroalgae of Chlorophyta, and has many traditional active properties such as against heatstroke, hydropsy and so on. 孔石莼(UIva pertusa Kjellm)是一种广泛分布于太平洋沿岸的大型野生绿藻,具有软坚散结,利水消肿之功效,为我国一种传统的药用海藻。
- Seeds of P. phaeosticta are recognized to exhibit recalcitrant storage behavior, while seeds of P. spinulosa are possibly recognized as having orthodox storage behavior. 就种子的储藏行为而言,墨点樱桃种子属于异储型,而刺叶桂樱种子则推测属于不储型。
- This paper studied the static purification of abalone effluents by Ulva P.K.The changes of water quality in Ulva tank were analysed. 该文研究了孔石莼对养鲍污水的静态净化过程,分析了孔石莼滤池中水质的变化规律。
- Jinhua Alsophila spinulosa Nature Reserve, located in Rongxian jurisdiction of the Golden Flower, adjacent to Kin, Yibin County, an area of seven square kilometers. 金花桫椤自然保护区位于荣县所辖的金花地区,毗连健为、宜宾两县,占地7平方公里。