- Title: Effect of salt stress on activity of superoxide dismutase (SOD) in Ulmus pumila L. 关键词:白榆;盐胁迫;电解质相对外渗率;超氧物歧化酶
- Ulmus pumila L. 家榆
- Rupr.) and elm ( Ulmus pumila L.) 、榆树(Ulmus pumila L.;)
- var.sabulosa and with Notes on Its Reiationship to Ulmus Pumila L. 英文名称: The Genetic Diversity Study of Ulmus Pumila L.
- Keywords Ulmus pumila L;Schisandra chinensis Baill;Kochia scoparia L;Pteridium aguilinum L;animo acid;mineral; 榆钱儿;五味子芽;扫帚菜;蕨菜;氨基酸;矿物质;
- Species Diversity and Arbor Population Distribution Pattern of Ulmus Pumila L Scattered Grassland of Horqin Sand 科尔沁沙地榆树疏林草地物种多样性及乔木种群空间格局
- Technology of Grafting Ulmus pumila var, pendula Rehd. 垂榆嫁接技术。
- Review and Research Development of Ficus pumila L. 薜荔概述及研究进展。
- Experiment on Grafting and Planting of Ulmus pumila var. Pendula Rehd. 垂榆嫁接及栽植的试验研究。
- A Preliminary Study on the Mathematic Model of Leaf Area of Ulmus pumila Linn. 与相似的文献。
- Tissue Culture of Stem Segment and Plantlet Regeneration of Ficus pumila L. 薜荔茎段的组织培养与植株再生技术。
- A Study on the Distant Hybridization between Populus alba Linn. And Ulmus pumila Linn. 银白杨与白榆远缘杂交的研究。
- When Urochela quadrinotata Reuter harms Ulmus pumila,the spread of disease will take a turn for the worse. 红足壮异蝽的危害能加重病害的流行和扩展。
- Otherwise, the phenology phases of ulmus pumila are not significantly related to precipitation and sunshine duration. 研究表明,榆树物候与降水、日照关系不显著。
- The main plant are Ulmus pumila and Celtis bengeana community, Acer mono and Quercus mongolica community. 天然残存林植被,主要为榆树、小叶朴群落和色木、蒙古柞群落。
- Ivela ochropoda is one of the main defoliator pest occurred in Ulmus pumila, and is very serious in Wuqi County. 摘要榆毒蛾是榆树的食叶害虫之一,在吴起县发生严重。
- The extraction technology of total flavonoides from the leaves and receptacle of inflorescence of Ficus pumila L. 薜荔叶及花序托中总黄酮的提取工艺。
- Spatial patterns of main woody plant populations are aggregative, Ulmus macrocarpa, Acer mono, Ulmus pumila populations in some communities are random. 主要木本植物种群的分布格局大多为集群型,只有部分群落中大果榆、色木槭及家榆种群为随机分布。
- While the Ulmus pumila had the longest growth peak then Elaeagnus angustifolia,Populus euphratica,and Tamarix chinensis in turn. 生长高峰期到达的时间不同,白榆生长高峰期最长,其次为沙枣、胡杨、柽柳;