- Ukraine is declared a republic. 1917年的今天,乌克兰宣布成为共和国。
- Singapore was declared a republic in1965. 新加坡于1965年宣布为共和国。
- Monarchy was abolished.England was declared a commonwealth, I. e. a republic. 君主制被废除,英国宣布成为共和国,也就是实行共和政体。
- She is declared an undesirable alien and deport. 她被宣布是不受欢迎的外国人并被驱逐出境。
- The company declared a large dividend at the end of the year. 公司在年底宣布分发高额股息。
- He is declared personal non grata and forced to leave the country. 他被宣布为不受欢迎的人而被迫离开该国。
- The valley is declared a forbidden zone; Lord Hagen deems his mission to be bound to fail. 矿坑山谷已成禁区,而哈根爵士则认为他的任务注定会失败。
- Once a vehicle is declared a lemon, the manufacturer has to buy it back.But there’s nothing to stop the manufacturer from reselling it. 法律规定,汽车定格次货后,制造商必须买回,但不能阻止制造商转售汽车。
- Once the joint venture with NNDA is declared a success we plan to expand to the Joint Venture with the same type of Authorities in the other 49 USA State over the next 12 months. 一旦与NNDA的联合培训计划宣告成功了,我们计划在未来12个月内将该项联合培训计划推广到其他49个州的商业开发局。
- Once the joint enture with NNDA is declared a success we plan to expand to the Joint enture with the same type of Authorities in the other 49 USA State oer the next 12 months. 一旦与NNDA的联合培训计划宣告成功了,我们计划在未来12个月内将该项联合培训计划推广到其他49个州的商业开发局。
- The chief executive of a republic. 总统共和国的最高行政长官
- In the eyes of the Kremlin, Ukraine is a failed state. 在克林姆林宫眼中,乌克兰是一个失败的国家。
- Proclaim the founding of a republic. 宣告一个共和国的成立。
- Claim which have is declared invalid. 已被宣布无效的要求。
- The office of president of a republic. 共和国领袖的职务
- The jump is declared a foul. 这次跳跃被判犯规。
- She is declared an undesirable alien and deport . 她被宣布是不受欢迎的外国人并被驱逐出境。
- They declared a boycott against all Korean goods. 他们宣布一项对所有韩国货的联合抵制行动。
- The city officials declared a state of emergency. 城市当局宣布该城处于紧急状态。
- The world is a republic of the -ies, and always was. 世界是一个凡间, 历来如此。