- Uchiyama Fumio 内山文雄(1922-),日本人,官员。
- Utsunomiya Kiyoyoshi Okazaki Fumio with the study of different styles. 宇都宫清吉与冈崎文夫的研究风格不同。
- Which should be mentioned that Okazaki Fumio, and Utsunomiya Kiyoyoshi. 其中应该提到的是冈崎文夫和宇都宫清吉。
- Okazaki Fumio specializing in the previous socio-economic history of the Sui and Tang. 冈崎文夫专攻隋唐以前的社会经济史。
- Xia Zhennong, former leader of Shanghai City and member of the Left-wing Author Alien, gave speech at the ceremony of The Memorial Room of Uchiyama Book shop. 上海市老领导、左联盟员夏征农在内山书店纪念室揭幕仪式上讲话。
- Recent Development in Open System for EMS/SCADA[J].Yutaka Kokai Fumio Masuda Satoshi Horike Yasuji Sekine Electric Power&Energy System Vol.20 No.2. 姜彬;罗玉孙;叶周.;面向对象技术在EMS图像系统中的应用[C]
- Maki TANAKA, Noriaki MARU and Fumio MIYAZAKI,”3-D Tracking of a Moving Object by an Active Stereo Vision System”,Faculty of Engineering Science,Osaka University. 林重甫,”智慧型车辆之自动视觉导航系统”国立交通大学硕士论文,93年7月。
- "You are able to operate the devices without using your hands," said Fumio Miyazaki, an engineering science professor who heads the laboratory working on the project. 工程学教授、该项目的实验室工作负责人宫崎文雄说:“你不用手就能启动播放器。
- "The idea is to raise awareness of the problem," said Makoto Uchiyama, professor and chairman of the department of neuropsychiatry at Nihon University School of Medicine, who conducted the survey. 日本医科大学神经精神医学院的主任真由中山教授做了此项调查,他说:“做这个调查的目的就是为了增强人们对这个问题的意识。
- After he left Washington last weekend, Japan's foreign minister, Taro Aso, and the defence minister, Fumio Kyuma, sat down with their American counterparts, Condoleezza Rice and Robert Gates. 上周末他离开华盛顿后,外相麻生太郎和防长久间章生旋与其美国同僚赖斯和盖茨进行会谈。
- That is the insistence of Fumio Akita, despite former co-owner and team boss Aguri Suzuki recently suggesting to the Japanese press that he is interested in reviving the collapsed project. 这是坚持久秋田,尽管前共同拥有和车队老板铃木亚久里最近暗示日本媒体说,他很感兴趣,恢复倒塌项目.
- A Short History of Uchiyama Bookstore in Shanghai 上海内山书店小史
- Indoor scene of the Memorial Room of Uchiyama Book Shop 内山书店纪念室内景
- Ohno H.Naruse H.Kurashima T.Nobiki A, Uchiyama Y, kusakabe Y Application of Brillouin of scattering-based distributed optical fiber strain sensor to actual concrete piles 2002 陈伟民.;黄民双
- Fumio Fukuda, Kazuo Wada, Baoguo Li. 2002 Social Organization of Golden Monkeys (Rhinopithecus). Anthropological Science, 110:88. (SCI 李艳秋,邰发道,李保国,王廷正2002亲缘关系对棕色田鼠动情的影响。西北大学学报,32(2):207-210。
- Ohno H.Naruse H.Kurashima T.Nobiki A,Uchiyama Y,kusakabe Y Application of Brillouin of scattering-based distributed optical fiber strain sensor to actual concrete piles 2002(4 陈伟民.;黄民双
- Fumio Fukuda, Kazuo Wada, Baoguo Li. 2002 Social Organization of Golden Monkeys ((Rhinopithecus). Anthropological Science, 110:88. (SCI 李艳秋,邰发道,李保国,王廷正2002亲缘关系对棕色田鼠动情的影响。西北大学学报,32((22):207-210。
- Uchiyama Kakichi 内山嘉吉(1900-84),日本人,版画家。
- Uchiyama Keizō 内山敬三(1912-),日本人,电波技术协会负责人。
- Uchiyama Shōzō 内山尚三(1920-),日本人,法学教授。