- US Patent Law 美国专利法
- Tatsuya Kawahara. Fuel cell[P]. US Patent: 6733911, 2004-5-11. 胡里清.;一种可使燃料电池中的质子交换膜得到均匀水分布的方法[P]
- In addition to the copyright law, there is also patent law. 除了版权法,知识产权法体系中还包括专利法。
- Patent law is based on protecting patentee's monopolization right thereby stimulate invention and creation, and provide legal support for us to use patent better. 专利法是以保护专利权人对专利享有垄断、独占的权利,从而刺激发明创造为出发点的,同时为我们更好地利用专利提供了一种法律支持。
- Patent law is based on protecting patentee's monopolization right thereby stimulate invention and creation,and provide legal support for us to use patent better. 专利法是以保护专利权人对专利享有垄断、独占的权利,从而刺激发明创造为出发点的,同时为我们更好地利用专利提供了一种法律支持。
- KELLEY J R. Drilling fluid composition [P]. US Patent: 4 374738 ,1983 -02 -22. 尉小明;刘喜林;王卫东.;木质素磺酸盐接枝共聚物的合成及应用[J]
- Patentee shall pay annual fee pursuant to the Patent Law and Enforcement Rules. 专利权人应当依照专利法及其实施细则规定缴纳年费。
- Patent law gives an inventor the sole and exclusive right to exploit and to authorise another to exploit an invention. 专利法给予发明人独占的,排它的权利去使用其发明或授权他人使用其发明。
- Hu, Y.-C., Yeh, C.-N. Development of a baculovirus titration method. US patent application filed. 胡育诚;叶佳妮.;“杆状病毒转导效率及病毒剂量之定量方法”
- Yu-Chen Hu, Guan-Yu Chen. “Methods for purifying baculovirus”. US patent application filed. 胡育诚;陈冠宇”用于纯化杆状病毒之方法”.;中华民国发明专利申请中
- On April 1,1985,the first day the Patent Law came into effect,3,455 applications for patent rights were submitted. 1985年4月1日,专利法实施的首日就受理专利申请3455件。
- US Patent Service is proud to offer two versions of the cryptex which is totally handcrafted. 美国专利服务公司十分荣幸地推出两种版本的全手工制作的藏密筒。
- Furthermore, the law discusses regulations concerning the infringement or violation of the patent law. 另外,对于专利侵权和违反专利法的后果也在其法律规定之列。
- High-Frequency CMOS Dual/Multi-Modulus Prescaler, US Patent No. 6094466, from Jul. 25, 2000 to Jan. 10, 2017. 高频互补式金氧半双模/多模前置分频器,中华民国专利,发明第114359号,自民国89年4月11日起至民国105年9月22日止。
- The divisional application shall go through all the formalities in accordance with the provisions of the Patent Law and these Implementing Regulations. 分案申请应当依照专利法及本细则的规定办理有关手续。
- Campillo, Huston A J, Justus A J. Laser modulated aerosol infrared decoy[S]. US Patent, Hl, 522. 1996-04-02. 白青弈.;红外气溶胶烟幕在反导中的作用[J]
- Referring to the work on patent law, she encouraged a holistic approach in order to achieve a balanced outcome. 对于专利法的工作,她鼓励以一个全盘的方式来获得一个平衡的结果。
- JAMES D H, BUTLER J P, MOLSON F W R. Ordered bed packing module[P]. US Patent:4471014,1984-09-11. 专利所有者.;专利题名[P]
- Patent law generally requires a Law degree and then you work for a company that specialzies in Intellectual Property. 专利法一般都规定了法律学位,然后你的工作,为公司specialzies知识产权。
- Chow, T. J.; Chen, K.-Y.; Hwang, J.-J. "Type of Soluble Pentacene Precursors" US Patent No. US 0190254 A1( 2007 ). 周大新,陈奎佑,黄俊杰"可溶性稠五苯前驱物、彼之制备方法及其应用"中华民国专利,095107521(2008).