- United States Army Task Force Alfa 美国陆军特遣部队
- A US army soldier from Task Force Denali 1-40 CAV holds a bible during Christian worship service at Clarck FOB in Khowst province, Afghanistan, December 13, 2009. 来自专责小组Denali的1-40角速度美军士兵在Clarck持有离岸价在基督教礼拜的霍斯特省,阿富汗,2009年12月13号的圣经。
- US Army Southern European Task Force 美国陆军南欧特遣部队
- Marine Task Force Alfa 陆战队阿尔法特遣队
- Task Force Alfa 阿尔法特遣部队
- The US Army Corps of Engineers, Engineers Research. 美国陆军工程兵研究与发展中心。
- Army Task Force 陆军特遣部队
- Etymology: This phrase comes from World War II US Army slang. 词源:这个短语源于第二次世界大战时期美国军队中的俚话。
- We should set up a similar task force. 我们应该成立一个类似的工作小组。
- Commentary by Task Force Ranger Veterans. 来自特遣部队的退伍老兵的评论。
- This time around you are a Special-Ops soldier from the US army. 生活在岛上的市民会记住你做的任何事。
- Everywhere US Army goes, it will overthrow monocracy. 凡是美国对外动武,叫做推翻专制,
- What does the interagency task force do? 联合事务特遣队做些什么呢?
- EDA is used in US army equipment battle performance research. EDA已应用于美军装备作战性能研究。
- Major case, Jinjiang police task force was set up. 案情重大,晋江警方成立了专案组。
- Small armored task forces had reconnoitered the area. 一小股装甲特种部队已对这一地区进行了侦察。
- I had worked in a shaving-brush factory, joined the US army a private. 我曾在一家胡刷厂里做过工,在美国陆军中当过二等兵。
- The task force still had to face the enemy's air force. 特遣部队仍必须同敌人的空军周旋。
- Finally, over that weekend, a third US naval task force was ordered to sail from Rota in Spain, for the Lebanese coast. 最后还有:就在那个周末,又一支美国海军特遣舰队接到命令,离开西班牙的罗塔港开往黎巴嫩沿海。
- The task force bombed the Argentine positions day and night. 英军特混舰队昼夜对阿军阵地实施轰炸。