- Who commands UN peacekeeping operations? 谁指挥联合国维持和平行动?
- China is the firm supporter and participator in UN peacekeeping operations. 摘要中国是联合国维和行动的坚定支持者和参与者。
- What is a UN peacekeeping operation? 什么是联合国维持和平行动?
- Nearly two thirds of all Member States have provided military and civilian police personnel to UN peacekeeping operations. 约三分之二的会员国曾向联合国维持和平行动提供军事人员和民警。
- The two sides also discussed the importance of UN peacekeeping operations in promoting international peace and security. 双方还讨论了联合国维和行动对促进国际安全与和平的重要性。
- UN peacekeeping operations are established by the Security Council, where decisions are subject to veto by any of the Council's five permanent members - China, France, the Russian Federation, the United Kingdom and the United States. 联合国维持和平行动由安全理事会确立。 安理会的五个常任理事国 -- 中国、法国、俄罗斯联邦、联合王国和美国 -- 中的任何一个 国家可以否决安理会的决定。
- the UN peacekeeping operations 联合国维持和平行动
- UN peacekeeping operations 联合国维和行动
- UN peacekeeping is truly an international undertaking. 联合国维持和平行动是真正的国际行动。
- Peacekeeping operations have their own budgets. 维持和平行动有自己的预算。
- UN peacekeeping forces are now being deployed to the Somalia area. 联合国维和部队现在已经部署在索马里领域了。
- How are peacekeeping operations funded? 维持和平行动的资金来自何处?
- Can the UN take on another onerous peacekeeping operation? 联合国是否能够承担另一项繁重的维和任务呢?
- At UN Headquarters in New York,the Situation Centre provides a 24-hour link with all peacekeeping operations. 在纽约联合国总部,情况中心昼夜提供与所有维和行动特派团的联络。
- At UN Headquarters in New York, the Situation Centre provides a 24-hour link with all peacekeeping operations. 在纽约联合国总部,情况中心昼夜提供与所有维和行动特派团的联络。
- "Except for peacekeeping operations with UN Security Council mandates, China will not send a single soldier abroad. 除了联合国安全理事会批准的维和行动以外,中国不会向外派遣一兵一卒。
- He also announced that Spain had already accepted a request from the UN, and prepared to send an air transport and 20 soldiers to Rwanda within the next few days to participate directly in UN peacekeeping military operations. 他还宣布,西班牙已经接受联合国的要求,准备在近几天内派出一架运输机和20名士兵前往卢旺达,直接参与联合国维持和平部队的任务。
- The study acknowledges that the UN peacekeeping force in Congo is severely overstretched but also criticizes the force. 这项研究承认联合国在刚果的维和部队的战线拉得过长,而且对维和部队做出了批评。
- Operational control is in the hands of the United Nations, since UN peacekeeping functions under the authority of the Security Council. 维和行动的控制权在联合国,因为联合国维和行动是在安全理事会的权威之下运作的。