- UN Sanctions Committee 制裁委员会
- There was general acquiescence in the UN sanctions. 普遍默认了联合国的制裁。
- New UN sanctions against it may change that. 这一轮联合国制裁或改变这种关系。
- The government stated its willingness to abide by the UN sanctions policy. 政府声明愿意接受该项联合国制裁政策。
- But UN sanctions focused tightly on Mr Mugabe and his coterie, and supported by South Africa, could have a big impact. 2005年,联合国宣布如果一国出现反人类罪行,国际社会有责任保护该国人民。
- Iran is currently under three sets of UN sanctions for refusing to freeze enrichment. 伊朗现在因拒绝冻结其铀浓缩计划受到联合国三项制裁。
- British engineering company has admitted it was involved in overseas corruption and breaching UN sanctions. 一家英国工程公司承认参与海外行贿并违法了国际制裁的规定。
- The United States and Britain criticized China and Russia for vetoing the proposed UN sanctions Friday. 美国和英国都对星期五中国与俄罗斯的投出的反对票感到不满。
- Although it backed UN sanctions on North Korea after its bomb test, China has been dismayingly slow to see them enforced. 尽管中国支持联合国在朝鲜核试后对朝实施制裁,但在执行制裁措施方面一直行动迟缓。这令人沮丧。
- The test sparked international condemnation, strong UN sanctions against North Korea and hiked tensions on the Korean peninsula. 不久前的朝鲜核试验引起国际社会的谴责,朝鲜因此受到联合国的严重制裁,同时,朝鲜核试验也加剧了朝鲜半岛的紧张局势。
- North Korea test-fired more short-range missiles, ratcheting up tensions in the region and defying recently tightened UN sanctions. 朝鲜试射了更多短程导弹,此举不顾刚刚升级的联合国制裁,使地区局势更加紧张。
- Eritrea has labelled UN sanctions imposed on Wednesday as shameful, and denied allegations that it arms Islamist militants in Somalia. 厄立特里亚宣称,联合国星期三对其实行的制裁措施是可耻的,并否认了对索马里伊斯兰教叛乱分子进行武器支援的断言。
- The salvo defies UN resolutions and also appears to be a slap at the United States as Washington moves to enforce UN sanctions. 这些举动公然违背了联合国的决定,同时也像是给主张强制执行联合国制裁措施的美国一记耳光。
- Even his South African friends, who had sustained Rhodesia through ten years of UN sanctions, came to see that 3% of the population could not for ever hold down 97%. 他的一些南非朋友们在联合国对其进行10年制裁后维持了罗得西亚的生存,但甚至他的这些朋友后来也明白人口数的3%25是无法统治住剩余97%25的国家。
- Security Council Sanctions Committee on Somalia; 安全理事会制裁索马里委员会;
- North Korea test-fired three short-range missiles yesterday, ratcheting up tensions in the region, already high after its atomic test and UN sanctions against it. 朝鲜昨日试射了三枚短程导弹,加剧了东北亚地区的紧张局势。在朝鲜进行核试验和联合国出台相关制裁措施后,该地区本已处于高度紧张状态。
- China has reportedly encouraged one of its investment firms to pull out of a high-profile mining deal with a North Korean company that is now a target of UN sanctions. 据报道,中国政府鼓励一国内投资公司退出一宗引人关注的矿业交易,此次交易的另一方正是目前受联合国制裁的朝鲜公司。
- The Manhattan district attorney unsealed a 118- count indictment on Tuesday accusing Mr Li of setting up front companies to disguise sales to Iran that broke UN sanctions. 曼哈顿区检察官周二公布了一份含有118项指控的起诉书,指控李设立多家幌子公司,以掩盖违反联合国制裁行动的对伊朗销售。
- Sanctions Committee Secretariat [re Bosnia and Herzegovina] 制裁委员会秘书处
- Sanctions might seem reasonable to the United States, though China does not share this view, putting them in the increasingly uncomfortable position of diluting UN sanctions language once again. 美国认为制裁是个不错的办法,但是中国却不这么认为,他们再一次降低了联合国制裁的可能性。