- Chinese delegations attended as observers the UN Human Rights Commission's sessions in 1979,1980 and 1981. 中国于1979年、1980年和1981年分别派代表团作为观察员出席了联合国人权委员会的第三十五、三十六和三十七届会议。
- In recent years China has consecutively been reelected a member of the UN Human Rights Commission and sends a delegation to the commission's annual session. 近几年,中国连选连任联合国人权委员会成员国,派出代表团出席该委员会每年的例会。
- Chinese delegations attended as observers the UN Human Rights Commission's sessions in 1979, 1980 and 1981. 中国于1979年、1980年和1981年分别派代表团作为观察员出席了联合国人权委员会的第三十五、三十六和三十七届会议。
- UN Human Rights Commission 联合国人权委员会
- China was elected a member of the Human Rights Commission at the first regular session of the UN Economic and Social Council and has been a member ever since. 1981年,中国在联合国经济及社会理事会第一届常会上当选为人权委员会成员国,并一直连任该委员会成员。
- China has always been a cosponsor country of the Human Rights Commission's resolution on the right to development. 中国一直是人权委员会关于发展权问题决议的共同提案国。
- VOA has learned that the UN Chief has narrowed his list for the top UN Human Rights post to three candidates. VOA获悉联合国秘书长将最高人权职位缩减到三个候选人。
- Lawyers, national human rights groups and UN human rights monitors are routinely denied access to ANR detainees. 他们通常不准律师、国内人权团体或联合国人权监测人员探视被他们羁押的人。
- Mello will take office on September 12th in the Geneva-based UN Human Rights Headquarters. 麦洛九月十二日将到日内瓦联合国人权事务总部履新。
- He was once UN Deputy Refugee High Commissioner, UN Chief Administer in Kosovo and Deputy Secretary-General of UN Human Rights Affairs. 过去他曾担任联合国难民事务副高级专员、联合国驻柯索伏的行政官以及联合国人权事务副秘书长等职务。
- Mexico's National Human Rights Commission has called for the state to pay reparations to the sterilized men. 墨西哥国家人权委员会呼吁州政府赔偿被迫绝育的男子。
- On February 9 and 11, during China's first UPR review under the UN Human Rights Council, a review report was approved unanimously upon consultation. 答:2月9日、11日,联合国人权理事会国别人权审查机制对中国进行首次审议,并协商一致通过了审议报告。
- In calling for this special cession session, that UN Human Rights Council argued that the global food crisis is a massive violation of human rights. 为召集此次会议,联合国人权理事会就“全国食物危机是违背人权的”主题展开争论。
- At the risk of violating the new strictures from the UN human rights council on disrespecting religions, I may say that I doubt this myself. 前面说了,中国人的抗议被抹黑成民粹,甚至要和纳粹挂上钩,对南联盟“人体盾牌”的诋毁也是一样的令人叹为观止。
- But the Equalities and Human Rights Commission said it could damage women's careers, as employers may avoid hiring or promoting women of child-bearing age. 但当地平等及人权委员会称,这将有损女性事业发展,因为雇主对聘用或提拔育龄妇女会有所顾忌。
- National Human Rights Commission (NHRC) had recently written a letter to the government asking to abolish Haliya system, which exists as a form exploitation of workers. 尼泊尔人权委员会(NHRC)最近写信要求政府废除作为对工人的一种剥削形式的雇佣农制度。
- In these works for the Young Brits at Art competition, set up by the Equality and Human Rights commission, students aged 11 and up depict their lives and concerns. 平等与人权委员会为英国年青人举办了一个美术竞赛,11岁以上的学生们用画笔描述他们的生活和他们所关注的事情。
- The head of the human rights commission, and one of Pakistan’s most prominent democratic figures, Asma Jahangir, was placed under house arrest Saturday night. 人权委员会的负责人,巴基斯坦民主党最有影响力的人物,阿斯马加翰戈尔星期六晚在住处被拘捕。
- Under certain UN human rights treaties, individuals can appeal against States for alleged violations of their rights, subject to the fulfilment of certain preconditions, including the exhaustion of all domestic remedies. 根据联合国某些人权条约,个人可对国家提出申诉,控诉国家侵害其权利,但需满足某些前提条件,包括用尽国内所有补救办法。
- Since 1984 the human rights affairs experts recommended by China to the Human Rights Commission have been continually elected members and alternate members of the Sub-Commission on Prevention of Discrimination and Protection of Minorities. 自1984年开始,中国向人权委员会推荐的人权事务专家连续当选为防止歧视和保护少数小组委员会的委员和候补委员。