- In 1960, Soviet premier Nikita Khrushchev disrupted a UN General Assembly session by pounding his desk with a shoe during a dispute. 1960年10月12日;联合国大会上;苏联领导人赫鲁晓夫在争论时脱下自己的鞋子猛敲桌子以示愤怒;会议因此而中断.
- However, since 1996, a certain country, in disregard of relevant resolutions of the UN General Assembly, began to register its arms sales to Taiwan in the form of a footnote. 然而,自1996年起,个别国家无视联大有关决议的规定,开始在登记册中以"脚注"形式登记其向台湾出售武器的情况。
- UN Secretary General Ban Ki-Moon ,UN General Assembly Chairman Srgjan Kerim did such call on days earlier. 联合国秘书长潘基文,联大主席斯尔詹。克里姆日前作此呼吁。
- In December 1994, China joined in the UN General Assembly's consultation on its resolution concerning the moratorium on the export of APLs. 1994年12月,中国参加了联合国大会关于暂停出口杀伤人员地雷决议的协商。
- Speaking to the UN General Assembly, he said the real harm came from indifference or non-intervention. 在联合国大会上,他提出,真正的伤害来自我们的冷漠和不干涉。
- Thaksin was in New York at the UN General Assembly and has declared a state of emergency. 正在纽约出席联合大会的他信总理已经宣布国家进入紧急状态。
- In December 1994,China joined in the UN General Assembly's consultation on its resolution concerning the moratorium on the export of APLs. 1994年12月,中国参加了联合国大会关于暂停出口杀伤人员地雷决议的协商。
- In accordance with a resolution by the UN General Assembly,China participates in the United Nations register of conventional arms transfers. 按照联合国大会决议,中国参加了联合国常规武器转让登记。
- China opposes the arms race in outer space. Beginning in 1984,it has on numerous occasions proposed to the UN General Assembly. 中国反对外空军备竞赛,自1984年起,曾多次在联大提出关于防止外空军备竞赛的决议。
- Gao Qiang, Speech at the HIV/ AIDS High-level Meeting of the UN General Assembly,22 September2003 at http:// un. fmprc. gov. cn/ eng/56493. html. ·12月1日中国总理温家宝在地坛传染病医院与三个艾滋病病人谈话,并且与艾滋病病人握手。
- On the basis of this assessment, the UN General Assembly calls for countries to negotiate an international agreement to address global warming. 在这一评估的基础上,联合国大会呼吁各国就解决全球变暖问题签署一项国际协定进行磋商。
- Mr Akl, a Lebanese lawyer, said the UN headquarters should be moved from New York to a "neutral site" to be determined by the UN General Assembly. 在建议中还希望能终止五个联合国安理会成员国的否决权。这五个联合国安理会成员国是,美国,法国,英国,中国,俄罗斯
- Israeli officials are describing the speech by Iran's president at the UN General Assembly Tuesday as a notorious manifestation of anti-Semitism. 以色列官员把伊朗总统星期二在联合国集会上的演讲称为反犹太主义的臭名昭著的表现。
- US President George W. Bush upheld global human rights and urged member nations toward lasting peace during the UN General Assembly meeting. 美国总统小布什在联合国大会中支持全球的人权,力劝会员国朝永久性的和平迈进。
- "There is still only one universal body for intergovernmental co-operation and that is the UN General Assembly," he said. “就政府间合作而言,仍只有一个包容全体的机构,那就是联合国大会,”他表示。
- Subsequently,for five years China had presented these two proposals to the First Committee of the UN General Assembly,and they had been adopted by consensus. 此后,中国连续五年都在联大第一委员会提出上述“两案”,均获协商一致通过。
- The 54th Session of the UN General Assembly adopted once again the Resolution on the Prevention of an Arms Race in Outer Space,with an overwhelming majority. 第五十四届联合国大会再次以压倒多数通过了防止外空军备竞赛决议。
- China opposes the arms race in outer space. Beginning in 1984,it has on numerous occasions proposed to the UN General Assembly draft resolutions on preventing such arms race. 中国反对外空军备竞赛,自1984年起,曾多次在联大提出关于防止外空军备竞赛的决议草案。
- However,since 1996,a certain country,in disregard of relevant resolutions of the UN General Assembly,began to register its arms sales to Taiwan in the form of a footnote. 然而,自1996年起,个别国家无视联大有关决议的规定,开始在登记册中以"脚注"形式登记其向台湾出售武器的情况。
- The UN General Assembly will meet on July 23rd to vote and ratify the motion by UN Secretary-General Annan to nominate Mello as the UN High Commissioner for Human Rights. 联合国大会二十三日将形式上开会投票,批准秘书长安南提名麦洛为联合国人权事务高级专员人事案。