- UK NATO Air Defence Region 英国北约防空区
- NATO Air Defence Ground Environment Network 北约组织地面防空网
- United Kingdom Air Defence Region 英国防空区
- All lights are blacked out during air defence exercises. 在防空演习时对一切灯火都实行管制。
- NATO Air Defence Committee 北约防空委员会
- The little girl fell victim to a bomb in a NATO air raid. 那个小女孩在一次北约的空袭中成了一颗炸弹的牺牲品。
- Huayunkerun Civil Air Defence Equipment Co., Ltd. 华云柯润人防设备有限公司。
- Funds of people air defence executes systematic government. 人民防空经费实行系统治理。
- The threat of NATO air strikes had succeeded in restraining the Serbs and getting peace talks going again. 北约空袭的威胁已成功地遏制了塞尔维亚人,使得和谈重新开展。
- It compartmentalized air-raid digitization degrees and analyzes the true battle of NATO air strike Yugoslavia Federation, which validates the model. 模型对空袭的数字化程度进行等级划分,并以北约空袭南联盟的实际战斗为例进行分析,证明模型是可行的。
- In 1999, ... Bennett was a retired Army lieutenant colonel working at the CIA on contract as a targeter during the 78-day NATO air war on Kosovo. 1999年,退休的陆军中校班尼特给CIA当合同工,在为期78天的北约科索沃空战中当目标设置员。......
- Make an Approach to the Electric Design Problem of People Air Defence. 人防工程电气设计若干问题探讨。
- In Afghanistan, scores of people, including civilians, were reported to have died in a NATO air strike in the northern province of Kunduz. 据报道,在阿富汗北部的昆士拉省,北约的一次空袭中造成几十人死亡,包括平民。
- You must have noticed the air defence systems installed on the ships. 你一定曾经注意有空中防御系统装置在船上。
- Following the Nato air strike in Kunduz 10 days ago, bereaved civilians formed a line so that they might receive a charred corpse to call their own. 十天之前在北约空袭昆都士之后,失去亲人的市民排成长队,以便能领到一具他们可以为之哭泣的烧焦的尸体。
- Heating ventilation and dusting .Air condition and smoke exhauting engineerings for industry and civil buildings Design for underground air defence engineerings Heat supply plan and design for a city or a region. 工业与民用建筑供热采暖工程通风除尘工程,空调与防排烟工程地下人防工程设计,城市自供热规划与设计。
- In order to get the maximal operation effect of radar sensor in the defence region and oppose the low altitude object, it is necessary to meet the needs of netting detect strictness and continuity. 摘要为使防区内多探测源的探测效能发挥最大,有利于探测到低空突防目标,必须满足预警网探测的连续性和严密性。
- NATO Integrated Air Defence System 北约统一防空系统
- Dogged by the legacy of World War Two, it is only nine years ago that Germany engaged in its first foreign combat operations since 1945, taking part in NATO air strikes in Yugoslavia. 由于二战这一一直挥之不去的阴影,直到九年前德国才参与北约对南斯拉夫的空中打击。那一次自1945年以来德国的第一次对外作战。
- The cabinet had panicked, and had convened a committee to study the problem of air defence. 内阁会议一片恐慌,决定设置一个委员会来研究空防。