- The following example uses the Match method of the Regex class to return an object of type Match in order to find the first match in the input string. 下面的示例使用Regex类的Match方法返回Match类型的对象,以便找到输入字符串中的第一个匹配项。
- Finds and returns a filtered list of types, or an empty array if no types matching the filter are implemented by the current type. 查找并返回经过筛选的类型列表,或者在当前类型没有实现任何匹配筛选器的类型的情况下返回空数组。
- Provides a basic overview of XQuery concepts, and also the expression evaluation (static and dynamic context), atomization, effective Boolean value, XQuery type system, sequence type matching, and error handling. 简要介绍了XQuery概念,以及表达式计算(静态和动态上下文)、原子化、有效的布尔值、XQuery类型系统、序列类型匹配和错误处理。
- The first pneumatic pump type matching the can reduce the ink waste and infrequent ink foreign body blocked sieves and as a result of motor overheats fire incidents, has high security. 气不静泵式的首次配不朱度较少,不妨裁减油不朱爱惜,且好多爆发油不朱洋的异物不通功滤网和因电机功热变成火警的变乱,具有较矮的安全性。
- A Type matching fuse box specification 配电熔断体规格、电流
- In the event handler, declare a variable whose type matches the control that raised the event. 在事件处理程序中,声明类型与引发事件的控件匹配的变量。
- The result of dereferencing a pointer is an object whose type matches the type of the pointer. 对指针解引用的结果是一个对象,其类型与指针的类型匹配。
- If we know we want this to be a driver, we simply need to write an entry point whose parameter list and return type matches that of a driver. 如果我们知道我们想要其成为一个驱动的话,我们只是需要写一个和驱动拥有相同的参数和返回值的入口点而已。
- Having used the number of arguments to winnow the potentially viable functions, we must now look at whether the argument types match those of the parameters. 根据实参个数选出潜在的可行函数后,必须检查实参的类型是否与对应的形参类型匹配。
- There are online services that can be accessed only if the rhythm and other characteristics of your typing match a stored template of your “keystroke dynamics”. 有的网上服务系统具有这样的功能:把用户打字的节奏及其它特征与该用户的“击键力学模式”相比对,只有两相符合,系统才允许用户进入。
- Homologous Donor Renal Transplantation with Gene Type Matching 采用基因配型行同种异体肾移植术
- In a printer, the removable type element. 印刷机上可拆卸的打印部件。
- Do you type the letter or take a rest? 你打信呢,还是休息呢?
- The headwords in this dictionary are in bold type. 本词典的词条用的是粗体字。
- He devises a new type of transistor. 他发明了一种新的晶体管。
- This type of bulb screws into the socket. 这种灯是拧到灯座上的。
- There she received the call from UCLA telling her she was a perfect candidate for Cross's liver,since it was similar in size to hers and their blood types matched. 但在北京她接到了来自加利福尼亚大学洛杉矶分校的电话,告诉她克罗斯的肝脏同她的肝脏大小相似,且他们的血型相配,她是接受克罗斯肝脏移植的完美候选人。
- This type of bicycle is up to date. 这种款式的脚踏车是最新式的。
- I don't think she's the artistic type. 我认为她不属艺术家那类的人。
- She is not the type of girl that Daniel goes for. 她不是丹尼尔追求的那种女孩子。