- Two times nine makes eighteen. 二乘九等於十八。
- BJDFYHKJFZYXGSBQSY Two times what number makes ten? 什么数的两倍是十?
- Two times what number makes ten? 什么数的两倍是十?
- Eight times nine is seventy-two. 八乘九得七十二.
- Oic, cannot make up two time at home. Hmm. . 早上在家化,晚上在酒店化。。。
- Brush your teeth two times a day. 每天刷牙两次。
- The old lady stops out in the sun two times a day. 这位老人一天2次到户外晒太阳。
- This river is two times longer than that one. 这条河比那条河长两倍。
- I heard it ring once or two times just now. 刚才我听到电话响过一两次。
- I ran the movie two times on my blog. 我在博客上两次提到了那部电影。
- I come to China for two times each year. 每年我来中国两次。
- The genie clapped his hands two times. 精灵拍了手两下,
- Fact, I read this book two times. 坦白说,这本书我已经看过两次拉。
- Many auspicious patterns, which will not be detailed here, represent "winter ends after nine times nine days". 在民间以“九九消寒”为内容的吉祥图案很多,在此就不一一列举了。
- Red is two times as much as Blue. 红色是蓝色的两倍。
- The class name C2 is used two times in this code. 在此代码中使用了两次C2类名。
- The old man is two times older than I am. 这个老人的年龄比我大一倍。
- My age is two times older than his. 我的年龄比他大两倍。
- The query declares the MI prefix two times. 该查询声明MI前缀两次。
- From the Han Dynasty, Chinese people formed the custom of counting days from the first day after the Winter Solstice. After nine times nine days will be the spring. 从汉代起,有冬至次日开始数九的风俗,九九毕而冬尽春来。