- Turpan cockfighting 吐鲁番斗鸡
- Cockfighting is banned in many states in US. 美国许多州禁止斗鸡。
- A crowd quickly assembled to watch the cockfight. 人们立即聚集起来看斗鸡。
- A rooster trained for cockfighting. 雄斗鸡为斗鸡而培养的公鸡
- Caption :16.Gamblers gather for a cockfight. 描述:16.;一群赌徒聚在一起斗鸡;
- The Turpan Basin in Xinjiang is the world rs lowest-lying basin. 中国新疆的吐鲁番盆地是世界最低的盆地。
- Xinjiang Turpan Jinyuan Grape Liquor Industry Co., Ltd. 新疆吐鲁番市金源葡萄酒业有限责任公司。
- The Turpan Basin in Xinjiang is the world's lowest-lying basin. 中国新疆的吐鲁番盆地是世界最低的盆地。
- And we call squinting eyes as "cockfighting eyes" (Cockeyes). 我们呼吁眼睛眯眼“斗鸡的眼睛” ( Cockeyes ) 。
- A.They are in Urumqi.B.They are in Kashgar.C.They are on the way to Turpan. 讲话后有5个小题,从题中所给的三个选项中选出最佳选项,并涂在答题卡的相应位置。
- But it isn't as hot as Turpan in summer because it's in the mountains. 但它夏天不像吐鲁番那么热因为它在山脉里面.
- However, Taoism was limited mainly to the Turpan and Hami areas, where Han people were concentrated. 但是传播范围不广,主要盛行于汉人比较集中的吐鲁番、哈密等地。
- In North Viet Nam, the government allow people to hold cockfighting event to celebrate the New Year. 在越南北部,政府允许人们举办斗鸡比赛来庆祝新年。
- One of their sub-groups moved to the modern Jimsar and Turpan regions,where they founded the Gaochang Uighur Kingdom. 其中一支迁往今吉木萨尔和吐鲁番地区,后建立高昌回鹘王国。
- Cockfight - is a blood sport between two specially trained roosters held in a ring called a cockpit. 斗鸡的历史可追溯至公元前,然而,在它成为一项运动之前,这种鸡是被当作..............
- However,Taoism was limited mainly to the Turpan and Hami areas,where Han people were concentrated. 但是道教传播范围不广,主要盛行于汉人比较集中的吐鲁番、哈密等地。
- An ancient and widespread sport, cockfighting traditionally involves betting on single matches or a series of pairings. 是一种古代运动,也是一种广泛的运动,传统上会牵涉到单一回合或一连串比赛的赌注。
- The "Nazierkumu"was a popular dance in Huozhou (Fire Prefecture) of the Western Regions (now Turpan area). "纳孜尔库姆",流传于古西域火州、即今日吐鲁番一带,
- Excessive heat and unusual topographical features make the Turpan Basin the locale of many interesting happenings. 吐鲁番奇热的气候,奇特的地形,包蕴着许多奇异的趣事。