- Tune in tomorrow Movie Poster 情人有约电影海报
- Zack: So I guess we'll tune in tomorrow night! 查克:那我想我们明晚会继续听广播了!
- I said to myself,damn,she's kind a cute. I must tune in tomorrow for a second glimpse. 我对自己说,天呐,她太漂亮了,我明天一定要更仔细地看看她。
- I said to myself damn,she's kind a cute I must tune in tomorrow for a second glimpse. 我对自己说,天呐,她太漂亮了,我明天一定要更仔细地看看她。
- Thanks for reading. Tune in tomorrow for another game in the Bronx. Mike Mussina against King Felix at 1:05 p.m. 感谢阅览,接下来就等明天的好戏上场,穆帅对上菲力克斯大帝,下午1:05分。
- Don' t forget to tune in again this time tomorrow. 别忘记在明天这个时间再打开收音机。
- Don't forget to tune in to our program tomorrow. 我可等不及了明天别忘了继续收看我们的节目。
- She calls the tune in their house. 他们家中她说了算。
- Tune in to London tomorrow night at seven. 明天晚7点收听伦敦电台广播。
- The movie poster has a picture of a snake on it. 这张电影海报上面有蛇的图样。
- He is trying to play the same tune in a different rhythm. 他正试图用不同节奏演奏同一个曲子。
- We'll finish our new home today and move in tomorrow. 我们今天对新居作最後修饰,明天就搬进去。
- The choir was (singing) distinctly out of tune in places. 合唱团有些地方明显(唱)走调了。
- Channel U is giving away an exlcusive "Whiteout" autographed movie poster ! 频道送你好莱坞电影“杀出荒雪地”签名海报!
- Will you crew for me in tomorrow's race? 你愿意在明天的赛艇比赛中充当我赛艇上的队员吗?
- Recent Posts.Shaq Retires.Crazy Heart Movie Poster.Nanny McPhee 2 Movie Poster. 领有职业小客车驾照者;驾驶自用小客车是否属无照驾驶.;领跑基金分红多为
- Be you busy in tomorrow morning? 你明天上午有事吗?
- The people supported the mayor, so he could called the tune in city matters. 人民支持市长,所以他能就市政事务发号施令。
- You will read the news in tomorrow's newspaper. 你会在明天的报纸上看到这条新闻。
- He pitched the tune in a lower key. 他把调子定得较低。