- Tumor confined within capsule 肿瘤限于囊内
- After all,home is not confined within the walls of one's own flat. 家,并不局限在四堵墙以内。
- A LAN consists of all the computers confined within a local area. 一个局域网(lan)可以是在某个局部地区内。
- He was confined within the four walls of an office all day. 他整天被关在办公室里。
- I should hate to be confined within the four walls of an office all day. 我讨厌终日被关在办公室里。
- They are not widely dispersed over the landscape but confined within houses. 它们并非广泛地分布在自然风景中,而是被关在房间里。
- He kept his thoughts about the world confined within the familiar contours of the human body. 他把自己对世界的看法限制在了人体那些熟悉的曲线中。
- To confine within or as if within walls; imprison. 监禁困在房间内或好象困在房间内;监禁
- To confine within or as if within walls;imprison. 监禁困在房间内或好象困在房间内;监禁
- This limitless love cannot be confined within a limited space; it is omnipresent. 这个无边的爱力,不能关在一个空间里面,是无所不在。
- For one, quarks are confined within larger particles, so they cannot be separated and studied in isolation. 为一, 夸克被限制在更大的微粒之内, 因此他们无法被分离和被学习在隔离。
- Manner of thought and logical flow of contamporary cybercrime reserch are confined within that of traditional crimes. 狭义的网络犯罪是指以网络本身为侵害对象的犯罪行为,包括“网络对象犯”,又称之为“纯正网络犯罪”。
- The interregional expansion of an enterprise means the business of the enterprise is not confined within the original region but expand to different regions within a country. 企业跨区域扩张,简单理解是指企业在一国范围内跨越原有的生产经营活动空间,从一个地区向另一个地区的扩张行为。
- C.P.McFadden, a Canadian science educator, is of the opinion that there should be an STS school curriculum instead of a mere STS education confined within science curriculum. 二是加拿大学者默克法顿的观点,即STS教育不应只限于科学课程中,而要把STS教育的内容纳入整个学校课程中,也就是建构一种STS学校课程的观点。
- With the development, the PVN was gradually enlarged in size and NOS neurons were predominantly confined within lateral magnocellular and ventral subdivisions of PVN. 随着生长发育,PVN的面积逐渐变化,NOS神经元主要集中在PVN的外侧大细胞部及腹侧部,细胞逐渐增多,胞体的平均截面积逐渐变大,平均灰度值逐渐降低。
- Tis inculdes cancer cells confined within the glandular basement membrane( intraepithelial) or lamina propria(intra-mucosal) with no extension through the muscularis mucosae into the submucosa. 肿瘤细胞局限在腺体基底膜(上皮内癌)或固有层(粘膜内);没有超过粘膜肌层侵及至粘膜下层.
- Gender segregation was not successfully enforced: conjugal life in this period demonstrated affection and liveliness, and a northern wife's function was not confined within the household. 而北朝妇女更是藉着争讼屈直、请逢迎拓展自己在家庭以外的作用。
- He has been confined two months by gout. 他因痛风病已臣庆两个月了。
- A malignant tumor originating in glandular tissue. 腺癌起源于腺性组织的恶性肿瘤
- The surgeon operated on her for a tumor. 医生为她的肿瘤开刀。