- Tumbes Hummingbirdn. 秘鲁月亮蜂鸟
- A hummingbird is poising over the flower. 一只蜂鸟在花上盘旋。
- The average hummingbird weighs less than a penny. 蜂鸟的平均体重比一枚一便士的硬币还轻。
- Video Reveals Rare Hummingbird Courtship dis. 珍贵的蜂鸟求爱的录像。
- The hummingbird perches on a twig of the hawthorn. 小蜂鸟栖在山楂树枝上.
- A hummingbird weighs less than a penny. 蜂鸟的体重比一便士的硬币还轻?
- The hummingbird flitted among the branches. 蜂鸟掠过树枝。
- A pair of eggs in a hummingbird nest. 这是蜂鸟巢里的一对蛋。
- Then a tiny hummingbird flew by. 然后有一只小蜂雀飞过。
- Have you ever seen a hummingbird? 你见过蜂鸟没?
- It's been a long time, hummingbird. 小蜂鸟;好久不见了.
- The average hummingbird weighs le than a pe y. 蜂鸟的平均体重比一枚一便士的硬币还轻。
- The eggs of a hummingbird are no bigger than your thumbnail. 蜂鸟的卵比你的拇指甲还要小,
- Hummingbird Driving Culture Promotion Club Co., Ltd. 橙子俱乐部蜂鸟驱动文化传播俱乐部有限公司。
- The hummingbird is the only bird that can fly backward. 蜂鸟是唯一能倒退向后飞的鸟。
- Hummingbird is a small bird of the Trochilidae family. 蜂鸟,翅膀打得快,发出磨。。的声响得名。
- What do a hummingbird, a moth, and a maple tree have in common? 蜂鸟、蛾子和枫树有什么共同点?
- Hummingbird feeder is located on my back deck on lake side. 蜂鸟送料机安装在我湖边的甲板上。
- Paris subway is very easy to meet the musicians or bands, buy a CLASSIQUE METROPOLITAIN CD, bass Violin and Cello Concerto in Tumbes. 巴黎的地铁里很容易遇到卖唱的人或是乐队,买了一张CLASSIQUEMETROPOLITAIN的CD,小提琴大提琴以及低音贝斯的协奏曲。
- Suddenly I saw a young male ruby-throated hummingbird in what had been a patch of flowering tobacco. 突然,在一块种过烟草花的地里,我看见一只颈部深红色的幼小雄蜂鸟。