- Tsuda Nobuo 津田信夫(1875-1946),日本人,铸金工艺家。
- The first and the more optimistic ending was made public by Nobuo Sato several years ago. 连未来的老婆静宜也答应要先嫁给别人。总之,对大雄来讲,生活就是一连串类似事件的反覆。
- Later modern thinker Tsuda Soukichi was a highly regarded China expert in modern Japan, well known for his despise of Chinese culture. 摘要津田左右吉在日本近代的中国研究界有重要的地位,其所涉及的研究领域十分广泛,包括:日本思想史的整体、以记纪为中心的史料批判、与中国思想研究。
- Fujikawa Nobuo, male, Japanese, Ph.D. in Education, Associate Professor at the Graduate School of Human Sciences, Osaka University, Japan. 藤川信夫,男,日本人,大阪大学人间科学研究科,副教授,博士(教育学);
- Naohiro Tsuda and Hiromitsu Kobayashi, “Mechanism For Aligning A Waveguide Type Optical Member And Fiber Arrays,” US Patent Number 6,931,752 B2. 刘永田、李振豪,“利用气压缸与压电元件之高精密定位系统研究,”第十九届机械工程研讨会论文集,云林,第1-7页,2002。
- Nobuo Tanaka, head of the International Energy Agency, says tackling climate change requires a paradigm shift in the power sector. 国际能源署执行干事田中伸男指出,高能源价格已然出现,应对气候变化需要在电力行业有一个范式转换。
- Okamoto h,Tsuda F,Akohane Y,et al.Hepatitis B virus with mutation in the e antigen-negative phenotype in Carriers with e antibody to e antigen[J].J Virol,1994,68:8102. 王小飞;刘华瑞;王锦蓉;等.;乙型肝炎和肝癌患者乙型肝炎病毒前c区1896位点突变的研究[J]
- YAMASHITA K, MATSUNOBE S, TSUDA T, et al. Solitary pulmonary nodule: preliminary study of evaluation with incremental dynamic CT [J]. Radiology,1995,194:399 405. 周永生;张承惠.;CT薄层增强扫描对良恶性肺结节的鉴别诊断[J]
- Nobuo Ozaki, the head of Product Development at Maeda, invented the slant parallelogram rear derailleur in 1964 and Maeda obtained worldwide patents on the design. 尾崎信夫,在产品开发的前田头,发明了倾斜平行四边形在1964年后拨和前田的设计获得全球专利。
- Olfactory sensitivity of media arrangements for this great actor interested in daily phone constantly, brokers Okano (Kanji Tsuda ornaments) in order to cope with busy burn media. 嗅觉灵敏的媒体对这一演员安排大感兴趣,每日里电话不断,经纪人冈野(津田宽治饰)为了应付媒体忙得焦头烂额。
- International Energy Agency head Nobuo Tanaka warned that current prices, which hit a record of $117 a barrel, are too high for all consumers and particularly punishing for developing nations. 国际能源机构总干事田中伸男警告说,目前的油价已经达到创记录的每桶117美元。这个价格对所有消费者来说都太高,高油价特别对发展中国家带来冲击。
- Where no such commercial drivers exist, governments must step in to ensure that we make the most of every energy efficiency opportunity," IEA Executive Director Nobuo Tanaka said in a statement. 如果没有这种商业驱动力存在,各国政府必须进行干预,以确保我们最大限度地利用每种能源效率的机会,”国际能源机构的执行主任田中伸男在一份声明中说。
- Takahashi, S., Tsuda, M. etc. 1998.Experimental and FEM simulation od dynamic response of a caisson wall against breaking wave impulsive pressures.Proceeding of 26th Coastal Engineering Conference. 游于正,1990,不规则波碎波压力之试验研究,国立成功大学水利及海洋工程研究所硕士学位论文。
- Visual systems with a fovea are the most familiar, but auditory systems can have an acoustic fovea as well, as has been elegantly demonstrated by Nobuo Suga of Washington University in mustached bats. 视觉系统发展出中央窝是最为人所熟知的例子,而听觉系统同样也可以有中央窝,美国密苏里州华盛顿大学的菅乃武男已经以髭蝠为例,漂亮地证实了这一点。
- (Final Fantasy V)Uematsu, Nobuo - Go Go Boco! 曲谱介绍:Uematsu, Nobuo - Go Go Boco!
- 15 Kim T, Murakami T, Takahashi S, Hori M, Tsuda K, Nakamura H. Diffusion-weighted single-shot echoplanar MR imaging 14李晓娟;刘志兰;何冰峰.;磁共振扩散加权成像在肝脏占位性病变诊断中的应用
- Tsuda Masanaga 津田正良(1907-),日本人,法官。
- Tsuda Ichimasa 津田市正(1910-),日本人,法学教授。
- Nobuo 诺布奥
- Kojima Nobuo 小岛信夫(1915-),日本人,作家。