- Tsingtao Beer Co. 青岛啤酒股份有限公司
- I heard that Tsingtao Beer tastes good. 我听说青岛啤酒非常棒。
- Tsingtao Beer has a history of 100 years. 青岛啤酒有上百年的历史。
- Tsingtao beer is one of world famous brands. 青岛啤酒是世界著名品牌。
- Qingdao beer is very popular with our guests. 青岛啤酒很受我们客人的喜爱。
- Sure, Budweiser or Qingdao beer? 李: 当然有,要Budweiser还是青岛啤酒?
- I hope you get a chance to taste Qingdao Beer. 我希望你有机会尝一尝青岛啤酒。
- May I suggest Tsingtao Beer with your meal? It does well with it. 我可以向您推荐青岛啤酒配餐吗?它非常合适。
- Ingredients : 600g Pork ribs, 300ml Tsingtao beer, 2 slices Ginger. 材料:肋排600克、青岛啤酒300毫升、姜2片。
- May I suggest Tsingtao Beer with your meal? It goes well with it. 我可以向您推荐青岛啤酒配餐吗?它非常合适。
- Tsingtao Beer Brewed with mineral water enjoys a reputation all over the world. 青岛啤酒,酿自矿泉,饮誉五洲。
- We have Qingdao Beer,Blue Ribbon Beer,Shengli Beer,and Zhujiang Beer. 我们有青岛啤酒、蓝带啤酒、生力啤酒和珠江啤酒。
- We have Qingdao Beer, Blue Ribbon Beer, Shengli Beer, and Zhujiang Beer. 我们有青岛啤酒、蓝带啤酒、生力啤酒和珠江啤酒。
- Yes, two bottles of Qingdao beer, no MSG and only a little spicy, please. 嗯,来两瓶青岛啤酒。菜里不要放味精,少放辣椒。
- One champagne and one coconut water for the ladies and two draught Qingdao beer. 两个女士要一杯香槟和一杯椰子汁,再来两杯散装青岛啤酒。
- In 1993, Tsingtao Beer Stock Company was reorganized into a stock company and issued H stocks and A stocks respectively in Hong Kong and Shanghai. 1993年改制为股份有限公司,并在香港和上海上市发行H股和A股股票。
- The informative Beer Museum displays the history of development of Tsingtao Beer. 蕴含深厚底蕴的啤酒博物馆,讲述着青岛啤酒历史的变迁,展示着啤酒厂的兴旺与发展。
- Thank you for choosing Tsingtao Beer International Travel Service, because of its features to get you recognized. 感谢您选择青岛啤酒国际旅行社,因为它的特点得到您的认同。
- In addition, the Asahi Beer coMMitment, Tsingtao Beer will be its beer business in China, the only strategic partner. 此外,朝日啤酒承诺,青啤将是其在中国啤酒业务的惟一战略合作伙伴。
- More to the point, the city provides a fine setting for the acclaimed Tsingtao Beer Festival. 更重要的是,城市提供了一个良好环境,他们以精湛的青岛啤酒节。