- JUST as some people are endlessly fascinated by the question of who killed President John F Kennedy, the murder of the Romanovs, the family of Tsar Nicholas II, the last Tsar of Russia, in 1918, evokes an interest bordering on obsession. 正如是谁杀死约翰·肯尼迪总统的问题不断强烈地吸引一些人一样,1918年俄国最后一位沙皇尼古拉二世所属的罗曼诺夫家族谋杀案也使一些人几近着迷。
- Peter Graves Gregory Rasputin Tsar Nicholas II 主演:彼得·格雷夫斯
- Tsar Nicholas II 沙皇尼古拉二世
- Nicholas II becomes the new Tsar of Russia after his father, Alexander III, dies. 沙皇尼古拉斯二世登基,似乎也是最后一届...
- By mid-century, Russia had for years been in the stultifying grip of Tsar Nicholas I's harsh orthodoxy. 直至该世纪中叶,俄国经历沙皇尼古拉斯一世僵化的东正教统治已有好多年。
- He also describes the use of mitochondrial DNA in identifying the remains of Czar Nicholas II, and in assessing the genetic makeup of modern Europe. 他也叙述了线粒体DNA在鉴别沙皇尼古拉斯二世的遗体时所起到的作用,也评定了现代欧洲人的基因构造。
- Decades of czarist incompetence and the devastation of World War I had wrecked the Russian economy and in March 1917, Czar Nicholas II abdicated. 3月,沙皇的无能及一战的破坏已经彻底摧毁了俄国的经济,沙皇尼古拉斯二世退位。
- The Winter Egg,produced by Carl Faberge and given by Russian Czar Nicholas II to his mother on Easter 1913,will be sold on April 19 at Christie's New York auction house. 这枚昂贵的彩蛋叫做TheWinterEgg,出自俄国皇家珠宝匠卡尔·费伯奇之手。1913年的复活节,俄国沙皇尼古拉二世曾将这枚珠宝作为复活节礼物送给他的母亲。而这件稀世珍宝将于4月19日在著名的Christie纽约拍卖行进行拍卖。
- The Winter Egg, produced by Carl Faberge and given by Russian Czar Nicholas II to his mother on Easter 1913, will be sold on April 19 at Christie's New York auction house. 这枚昂贵的彩蛋叫做thewinteregg,出自俄国皇家珠宝匠卡尔·费伯奇之手。1913年的复活节,俄国沙皇尼古拉二世曾将这枚珠宝作为复活节礼物送给他的母亲。而这件稀世珍宝将于4月19日在著名的christie纽约拍卖行进行拍卖。
- But in 1903, Nicholas II’s government encouraged a new pogrom, so Bob’s people grabbed their weapons, packed up their families, and mounted their horses. 但到了1903年,尼古拉斯二世上台后,政府开始了一个大屠杀,所以鲍勃所在的族人拿起武器,携带家眷,骑马开始逃亡。
- Socialist leaders formed the second soviet shortly before the abdication of Nicholas II, with one deputy for every 1,000 workers and every military company. 在尼古拉二世退位前不久,社会主义领袖们建立了第二个苏维埃,它由每一千个工人和每个连队各派一名代表组成。
- Tsar Nicholas granted the first Duma to the people 年,沙皇尼古拉斯同意召开第一次杜马会议
- Faberge,jeweler to the Russian Imperial family,produced 50 eggs between 1885 and 1916 for Czars Alexander II and Nicholas II,with the Winter Egg the most precious,according to documents housed in the Russian State Archives. 根据俄国国家档案局提供的资料记载,卡尔·费伯奇在1885年到1916年间共先后为沙皇亚历山大二世和尼古拉二世制作过50枚复活节彩蛋,其中以这枚The Winter Egg最为珍贵。
- Faberge, jeweler to the Russian Imperial family, produced 50 eggs between 1885 and 1916 for Czars Alexander II and Nicholas II, with the Winter Egg the most precious, according to documents housed in the Russian State Archives. 根据俄国国家档案局提供的资料记载,卡尔·费伯奇在1885年到1916年间共先后为沙皇亚历山大二世和尼古拉二世制作过50枚复活节彩蛋,其中以这枚The winter Egg最为珍贵。
- Russian ruling dynasty (1613-1917) that began with the accession of Czar Michael (1596-1645; ruled 1613-1645) and ended with the abdication of Nicholas II during the Russian Revolution. 罗曼诺夫王朝:俄国的一个始于米哈伊尔沙皇(1596-1645;1613-1645在位)即位并终结于俄国革命时期尼古拉二世退位的统治王朝(1613-1917年)
- Last czarina of Russia (1894-1917). The wife of Nicholas II, she was influenced by Rasputin and meddled in politics. After the Bolshevik revolution, she and her family were imprisoned and executed. 亚历山德拉:俄罗斯末代沙皇之妻(1894-1917年)。作为尼古拉二世的妻子,她受到了拉斯普廷的影响并参与了政治活动。布尔什维克革命后与其家人一同被捕入狱,后被处死
- The Court of the Last Tsar: Pomp, Power and Pageantry in the Reign of Nicholas II 末代沙皇宫廷:尼古拉斯王朝录
- Nicholas II [Russia, 1868-1918] 尼古拉二世[俄]
- Peter II becomes Tsar of Russia. 1727年的今天,彼得二世成为俄罗斯的沙皇。