- Some websites will try to get you to download software that you don't need. 一些网站试图让您下载并不需要的软件。
- Don't try to argue with him till he's cooled down. 等他冷静下来再跟他争论。
- With the rising cost of gasoline, nor is it really need such a tool to help you fuel consumption statistics, and then try to download the tool bar. 随著汽油费用日益上涨,也确实需要这样壹个工具来帮助妳统计油耗的消费了,那就下载这个工具试试看吧。
- They try to deal politely with angry customers. 他们尽量对发怒的顾客彬彬有礼。
- He tried to varnish over the truth with a lie. 他试图用谎言来掩盖真相。
- Don't try to threaten me. I won't compromise with you. 不要威胁我,我不会和你妥协的。
- Mrs. Myers: If any of you try to download this essay, you will be downloaded into detention. 梅耶丝夫人:如果我发现你们谁偷偷地抄别人的作文,就等着接受留堂的处分吧。
- Mrs. Myers: If any of you try to download this essay you will be downloaded into detention. 梅耶丝夫人:如果我发现你们谁偷偷地抄别人的作文就等着接受留堂的处分吧。
- Ring up, and try to arrange an appointment for me with my doctor. 打个电话,替我跟医生预定看病的时间。
- How will you handle the number of people who will be trying to download software for the Open Beta? 你们会控制外测程序下载的用户数量吗?
- I'm trying to get in touch with my brother. 我正设法与我兄弟取得联系。
- Property, ClickOnce will still refer back to the original location when it tries to download the application. 属性,则当ClickOnce尝试下载应用程序时,它仍将引用原始位置。
- He tried to enter the country with forged document. 他试图用伪造的文件进入该国。
- You are trying to download a certificate whose name is the same as one that already exists in your database. 您试图下载的证书的名称与已经存在于数据库中的证书名称相同。
- Let's try to rig up some sort of shelter. 让我们赶快搭个遮风挡雨的棚吧。
- Those who tried to download the three-hour program on Jan. 25, however, were disappointed. 这些人试图在元月25日下载三小时的节目但却失败了。
- Try to wear a colour that is less obtrusive. 尽量穿得颜色别太显眼。
- He tried to shade his house with thick trees. 他想让这些大树把房子遮住。
- We try to match the applicants with appropriate vacancies. 我们尽量给这些申请者找到合适的空缺。
- They tried to row the small boat off with a paddle. 他们试图用桨把小船划开。