- Intercropping of Trifolium repens Linn. 白三叶草间作
- Trifolium repen L. 白三叶草
- Breeding and Cultivation of Trifolium repens L. Cv. 'Chuanyin Ladino'. 川引拉丁诺白三叶品种选育及栽培利用。
- Allelopathy of Trifolium repens L. On Abutilon theophrasti Medic. And Echinochloa crusgalli L. 白三叶草对苘麻和稗草的化感作用。
- Study on pathogenic fungus Alternaria tenuis Nees and its symptom in Trifolium repens L. 白车轴草病原菌链格孢菌及其症状研究。
- Study on the Factors of Influence the Regeneration Frequent of the Trifolium repens L. 影响白三叶草高频率植株再生因素的研究。
- Study on the Isozymes of Ladino Trifolium repens Linnaeus and Other Six T. Repens L. 勒代诺白三叶与六个白三叶品种的同工酶比较研究。
- Effects of Pathogens on Growth and Activate Oxygen Metabolism of Trifolium repens L. 病原菌对白车轴草生长及活性氧代谢的影响。
- The floral nectaries of Trifolium repens L.are located on the base of filaments. 白车轴草花蜜腺位于雄蕊花丝的基部,属雄蕊蜜腺。
- The superior weed species mainly included Viola yedoensis Makino, Geranium wilfordii Maxim, Taraxacum mongolicum Hand Mazz and Trifolium repens Linn. 优势种杂草主要有紫花地丁、老鹳草、蒲公英和白三叶等。
- The Effects of Cutting Frequency, Seeding Ratio and Nitrogen Fertilizer Level on the Yield of Mixture Pasture of the Hemarthria compressa and Trifolium repens. 刈割频度、播种比例和施肥量对牛鞭草和白三叶混播草地牧草产量的影响。
- The growth character of crofton weed in mixture transplanting with different green bristlegrass perennial ryegrass and Trifolium repens under different management conditions was studied. 以狗尾草、黑麦草、白三叶为材料研究了混栽其中的紫茎泽兰在不同肥力条件下的生长状况。
- Trifolium repens L. [医] 白三叶,白苜蓿,葡茎三叶豆
- Trifolium repens Linn. 白三叶
- The effects of White clover (Trifolium repens),Perennial ryegrass (Lolium perenne) and Alfalfa (Medicago sativa) on vineyard Microclimate and wine quality in Cabernet Sauvignon vineyard were studied. 以酿酒葡萄赤霞珠(cabernetSauvignon)为材料,研究了行间生草覆盖对葡萄园微气候和葡萄酒品质的影响。
- Abstract : The growth character of crofton weed in mixture transplanting with different green bristlegrass perennial ryegrass and Trifolium repens under different management conditions was studied. 摘要 : 以狗尾草、黑麦草、白三叶为材料研究了混栽其中的紫茎泽兰在不同肥力条件下的生长状况。
- According to their physical and chemical properties,fly ash and lees are mixed into a substrate in certain proportion and used in the pot experiment of white clover(Trifolium repens). 利用粉煤灰和酒糟的理化特性,将二者按照一定比例配成混合基质,通过白花三叶草的盆栽试验,分析种植前后混合基质的理化特性及三叶草的生长情况,并检测基质和植株中的重金属含量。
- white clover ( Trifolium repens ) seedlings 白三叶幼苗
- red clover ( Trifolium repens L. cv. Wuxi) 红三叶
- White clover ( Trifolium repens L. ) 白三叶