- Trend Linear regression 趋势线性回归
- If a price trend rises or descends, the linear regression suggests the possible angle of an uptrend/downtrend basing on the current price. 如果汇价涨或者跌,线性回归提示上升或者下降趋势的角度。
- SECRET is a new algorithm for scalable linear regression trees. SECRET是一个关于可伸缩线形回归树的算法。
- The normal equation of linear regression is used to calculate the effects of high frequency components on the determination of secular trend of relative sea level(RSL). 由一元线性回归分析的正则方程计算表明,在验潮记录较短的客观条件下,验潮序列中的周期波动对确定海平面变化趋势的影响是显著的。
- For more information, see Microsoft Linear Regression Algorithm. 有关详细信息,请参阅Microsoft线性回归算法。
- Examples of neural coding. Simple linear regression. 神经编码的例子与简单的线性回归。
- Linear Regression with Transformations of the dependent variable. 线性回归与变革的因变量。
- The analysis methods used in this report include ratio analysis, historical trend analysis, linear regression analysis using software tools, judgmental forecasting, and cause and effect analysis. 在分析中使用的方法,本报告包括比率分析,历史趋势分析,线性回归分析使用的软件工具,判断预测,原因和后果分析。
- The apparent reaction rate constant can be obtained by linear regression. 线性回归得出化学反应速率常数表观值。
- Methods Linear regression coupled with RSR is applied in this paper. 方法应用线性回归和秩和比法。
- The Microsoft Linear Regression algorithm provides linear regression support for more business flexibility. Microsoft线性回归算法提供线性回归支持,以获得更好的业务灵活性。
- Accordingly, the end for multiple regression as against linear regression appeared quite reasonable. 因此,同线性回归相比,这种对多元回归的需要看来是颇有道理的。
- The Six Sigma Black Belt will be able to conduct simple and multiple linear regression. 西格玛黑带应能进行简单的或多次线性回归。
- Use the Microsoft Neural Network Viewer to explore a linear regression mining model. 使用Microsoft神经网络查看器可浏览线性回归挖掘模型。
- Calculates the linear regression of a set and returns the coefficient of determination, R2. 对集进行线性回归计算,并返回确定系数R2。
- The limitations of usual linear regression model are gotten over by GM(0,3), which afford theorical basis for detail specification sizes of apparel. GM(0,3)灰色模型克服了常用的线性回归模型的局限性,为服装细部规格尺寸的确定提供了理论依据。
- The relationships between pancreatic dimensions and body height, body weight, surface area and age were evaluated with linear regression analysis. 这4个不同的胰脏因数,再分别与身高,体重,体表面积与年龄作线性回归分析。
- The contents of pyramidon and caffeine in Naoqing Pian were determinedby a multi - wavelength linear regression method. 本文采用多波长直线回归法测定脑清片中氨基比林和咖啡因的含量。
- Linear regression analysis suggested PACD=0.68+0.51 ACD+0.02 ICPIOL(F=16.09,P=0.002). 多元线性回归分析示PACD=0.;68+0
- Abstract A method for estimating 3D space face pose was proposed based on affine transformation and linear regression. 摘要提出了一种由仿射变换关系到线性回归的3D人脸空间姿态估计方法。