- This book, called the travels of Marco Polo, contained a wealth of information about an unknown world and its peoples. 这本书名叫《马可波罗游记》,其中收录了关于一个未知世界及其民族的大量信息。
- The travels of Marco Polo is one of the most interesting books that I have ever read. 马可波罗的游记是我生平读过的最有意思的一本书。
- The travels of Marco Polo is one of the most interesting books that I have ever read. ve ever read. 马可波罗的游记是我生平读过的最有意思的一本书。
- On the Tibetan mastiff from the earliest documented in the renowned World Travels of Marco Polo travel home. 关于藏獒的最早的文献记载来自于著名的世界旅行家马可波罗的游记。
- Two centuries later, among the readers of the Travels of Marco Polo was a certain Genoese mariner, Christopher Columbus, who conceived the brilliant idea of sailing westward round the world to China. 两个世纪后,《马可 - 波罗行纪》的读者中有一位热那亚的水手,名叫克里斯托弗,哥伦布,他设想了向西航行环绕世界,最后到达中国的绝妙主意。
- The great Italian traveller Marco Polo, a native of Venice, set out from the city on his travels to the east. His book, The Travels of Marco Polo, introduced China to Europe and was very influential. 伟大的意大利旅行家马可波罗是威尼斯人,从本城出发前往东方旅行,所著《马可·波罗游记》将中国介绍与欧洲,很有影响力。
- Have you read about the adventures of Marco Polo? 你读过马可·波罗的冒险经历吗?
- Travels of Marco Polo 马可·波罗行记
- the travels of Marco Polo 马克波罗游记
- "Travels of Marco Polo, or Tales from the East as it is sometimes called, is still respected by most serious scholars as truthful records. It describes in great detail the author's 17 years 1275 - 1292) of life in China. " 这本书叫《马可·波罗游记》,亦名《东方见闻录》。大多数治学严谨的学者认为,其内容真实可靠。它详细描写了作者旅居中国17年的生活。
- M. Polo, The Travels of Marco Polo. William Marsden(trans.). Hertfordshire: Cunberland House, 1997, pp. 55, 88. “陈云致王明信”,1937年5月16日,莫斯科俄罗斯当代文献保管与研究中心藏,495/74/290。
- The publication of Marco Polo's travels produced a profound effect upon the European imagination. 马可 - 波罗游记的出版对欧洲人的想象力产生了深刻影响。
- Last year I had to act the role of Marco Polo in a movie, but then I refused the proposal. 去年,我本来要在一部电影里扮演马可波罗,但是后来我拒绝了这个角色。
- The story of Marco Polo inspired Colistonfo,Columbus and many other Europe explorers exploring to reach a remote and rich Asia continental skyway on the sea. 马可波罗的故事激励了可里斯托弗.;哥伦布和其他的欧洲探险家去探索能到达遥远、富饶的亚洲大陆的海上航线。
- Year Of Marco Polo Chic. 年:中国热的一年。
- The European literature, and especially the European romance of the fifteenth century, echoes with the names of Marco Polo's stow, with Cathay (North China) and Cambulac (Peking) and the like. 欧洲文学中,尤其是欧洲15世纪的传奇文学,反复提到马可 - 波罗故事中的名字,反复提到“卡塞”(华北)、“卡姆布莱克”(北京)以及诸如此类的名称。
- Hangzhou in the Eyes of Marco Polo 马可·波罗眼中的杭州
- Marco Polo was born in1254 in the Italian city of Venice. 年马可波罗生于意大利的威尼斯。
- Marco Polo was born in 1254 in the Italian city of Venice. 1254年马可波罗生于意大利的威尼斯。
- For a time, his pen seemed to travel of itself. 他的钢笔一时好象自然而然地动着。