- Traditional Chinese figures 中国传统图形
- Many herbs are used in traditional Chinese medicine. 中医用许多草药。
- Anadiplosis is an enchanting flower in Chinese figures of speech. 摘要回环是汉语修辞艺苑里一株异彩纷呈的奇葩。
- My father hadn't much belief in doctors of traditional Chinese medicine. 我父亲不太相信中医。
- Haidian Hospital of Traditional Chinese Medicine? 海淀区中医院?
- Aren't they traditional Chinese lotus patterns? 那不是我们中国传统的莲花造型嘛?
- I can take you to a traditional Chinese doctor. 我可以带你们去看中医。
- The Traditional Chinese character set. 繁体中文字符集。
- Please enjoy the gourmet traditional Chinese food. 请享用中国传统美食。
- The traditional chinese Buddhist sutra c. 国语佛经传统课诵系列。
- Thanks to Traditional Chinese Medicine! 感谢中医中药!
- I suggest he try Traditional Chinese Medicine. 我建议他试试中医。
- What is inspection in traditional Chinese medicine? 中医的望诊是什么?
- We love the little carved Chinese figures,and they'll be just perfect on our mantel! 我们喜欢这些小巧玲珑的中国雕塑品,把它们放在壁炉架上,真是再合适不过了。
- Therapy of traditional Chinese medicine. 中医中药治疗。
- We love the little carved Chinese figures, and they'll be just perfect on our mantel. 我们喜欢这些小巧玲珑的中国雕塑品,把它们放在壁炉架上,真是再合适不过了。
- Traditional Chinese Medicine is often called TCM. 中药经常被称为TCM。
- We love the little carved Chinese figures,and they'll be just perfect on our mantel. 我们喜欢这些小巧玲珑的中国雕塑品,把它们放在壁炉架上,真是再合适不过了。
- Traditional Chinese medicine is the gem of China. 摘要中药是中华民族的瑰宝。
- Some remarks on traditional Chinese pipa music. 专家和听众对刘芳音乐的评论